Chapter 15

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"Where are you taking me so urgently?" I frantically asked her. Leah just looked at me and then headed to the infirmary. I didn't understand what was going on. "Leah, what is going on?" I asked her again.

"See for yourself!" She said before pushing me into Kovit's room. What my eyes say, made my heart race and tears fall down my face. I couldn't believe it... after all this time... Kovit is...

"Come see him Riverlyn." Ronan said to me. I walked over to Kovit's form and then saw that his eyes were closed. I held his hand and waited for anything to happen. Tears fell down my face.


Suddenly, I felt something squeeze my hand lightly. I looked down and Kovit's hand was wrapped around my hand. I looked up at his face and put my other hand on his cheek.

"Kovit?" I said, trying to see if he was really awake. Kovit's eyes barely opened. "Are you awake?" I asked him. His eyes slowly opened and then stopped halfway. I gasped and then began crying. I finally grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him for longer than necessary. He kissed me back and that was when I knew it was all going to be okay. Kovit reached his hand up to my face and wiped away my tears as they mixed with blood from before.

"Wow sweetheart, you look good in all that blood." His cracked and weak voice said to me. I laughed through the tears and put my head on his chest. For the first time in months, I felt his arms wrap around me as he hugged me. Luka came up behind me and smiled brightly.

"It's good to have you back, your majesty." He told Kovit. Leah and Ronan both smiled and we helped Kovit sit up.

"We will leave you two to talk." Kai said before motioning everyone to leave. I smiled and looked over at Kovit again. He had a faint smile on his face.

"How... How long was I out?" Kovit asked. I frowned and then looked at him in his gorgeous eyes that I longed to see for months.

"Around four months..." I said quietly. Kovit lowered his head and then took my hand in his. I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. I hugged him and then rested in his embrace. I missed him so much and I didn't want him to ever let go of me. He stroked the hair behind my ear and hummed songs to me quietly. "I missed you so much." I said to him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He told me. I shook my head.

"I'm just glad that you are safe." I told him. He smiled and then nodded.

"Speaking of "safe," why are you covered in blood?" Kovit asked me. I laughed at his response.

"My father decided to have a visit and Luka, Kai and I decided to get our revenge." I said plainly. Kovit smiled at me and then messed up my hair. He put his arm around me and then looked over at the nurse.

"I want to try and walk." Kovit said to the nurse. She nodded and then had two other nurses help Kovit stand up. He was dizzy at first, but slowly, he took a few steps with the nurse before gaining his balance and then walking slowly on his own. Kovit looked at me and smiled. "Can I go to the garden with Riverlyn?" Kovit asked the nurse. She was hesitant, but then finally agreed after I had told her that I would watch him. Kovit was pretty unstable at first, but he got the hang of it eventually. I guess it was hard for him to walk only because he had been laying down for so long so his legs were sore.

We made it to the garden and we sat down on a bench under a blossom tree. I made sure he was sitting down before I reached into my bag and pulled out a pair of scissors.

"What are you doing?" Kovit asked me. I smiled and then walked over to him and messed with his hair. "Oh... nevermind." He said. I laughed and then started cutting his hair that had grown down to his neck. "So how have you been doing?" I paused for a second when he asked that question.

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