Chapter 8 || Wesley

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I was never really into boys. I mean, sure, I had a big crush on Troy Bolton in High School Musical, and I always thought the Jonas Brothers were pretty cute too. (Can I get an amen for Nick Jonas?)

But I never thought of the boys at my school like that. That was, until January 27th, when I noticed a new face in health class.

And the first rule of liking a guy is to avoid eye contact with him, because he might catch on if you're staring at him all class. (It was tempting.) But that didn't mean I couldn't sneak glances at him when he wasn't looking.

What I could grasp of him was pale, barely green eyes, dirty blonde hair that was long enough to be styled but not long enough to cover his eyes, and white teeth.

Very white teeth.

I also admired the way he would sheepishly raise his hand when he knew the answer and how his voice was stitched with Australian authenticity.

In other words, he had this adorable accent.

I liked the way he dressed; it wasn't trashy, but he wasn't trying too hard. He wore button up shirts, and crisp jeans, not the khakis that all the other boys wore. His feet were covered with tan Sperrys.

His name was Wesley Price, and I had a major crush on him already.

I looked over at the clock. It read 10:52. Health is my last class before lunch, luckily, and the bell rings at 10:55. I zoned out as my teacher continued to drone on about the circulatory system, and the 3 minutes left of class seemed to drag on. Finally, the loud bell signaled the end of class, and Mr. Mantel dismissed us.

I shot out of my seat and was the first to make it to my locker. I was still adjusting to my combination lock, so it took several attempts to get the locker open. I neatly placed my binders and grabbed my Vera Bradley lunch box.

I was surprised to see a face staring back at me upon closing my locker. "Kendall, right?" I would recognize that Australian accent anywhere. I took a moment to mentally prepare myself so I wouldn't say anything stupid.

"Yeah, Wesley?" I asked, pretending I didn't already know the answer. "That's me," he smiled, flashing his white teeth as his cheeks flushed the slightest bit pink.

"Did you just move here? I mean, of course you did, I've never seen you before, but maybe you transferred classes, are you from Australia? I like your accent--"

So much for not looking stupid.

Wesley interrupted my rambling with a soft laugh. He paused a moment before speaking. "Yes, I just moved here from Maryland, I am from Australia, and thanks." Now it was my turn to flash a smile.

"Walk with me?" He asked shyly, looking down at his feet. It was absolutely adorable. "Sure," I replied, making sure not to talk as much as last time. We started towards the cafeteria and made small talk.

"Did you like Australia?" I blurted out, my cheeks flushing. "Yeah," he nodded. "Like it here too, but I miss my friends, especially Harry."

"Harry...who?" I questioned, holding my breath as I waited to hear his last name. Wesley looked at me funny before responding. "Harry...Irwin."

I clasped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming and spoke slowly to stop from freaking out. "Harry Irwin, as in Ashton Irwin's younger brother?" Wesley's face lit up. "Oh, you know him?" Now it was my turn to look at him funny. "Do I ever! I love their band!"

Wesley laughed. "Of course, now you're probably going to ask me to get you an autographed shirt or something."

I looked at him innocently to answer that question. He rolled his eyes playfully. "I guess I'll see what I can do."

We arrived at the cafeteria, and my face fell as the realization that my time with Wesley was over. "Hey," he started quietly, "can I have your number to text you later? I don't really know many people here yet.." he trailed off, and I nodded.

I took a napkin out of my lunchbox and a pencil that I luckily forgot to take out from the day before. I neatly wrote my number along with my name and a smiley face.

"Do you have a place to sit?" I asked him curiously. "I do," he nodded, and pointed to the table next to mine. My heart fluttered. "Hey, you'll be right next to me!" I exclaimed playfully. He laughed. "Oh great," he responded sarcastically.

Walking down the isle, we made it to our adjacent lunch tables. "Hey, what's your next class?" He furrowed his brow as if he was deep in thought. "I have science right after lunch."

My throat tightened. "Me too! What do you have 6th and 7th?" He paused once again to think, and after a moment responded, "Pre-al, and then history."

I started walking again, until I reached my usual seat. "See you in 5th and 7th." He started off towards his table, and I sat down, feeling like gold. "Kendall," Brooke sang, "who's the boy?"

My cheeks flushed. "Just a friend in some of my classes." The girls giggled. "That's what they all say," Chloe teased.

"He's cute," Nia pointed out. "I know," I whispered. Everything was going okay. That was, until, I saw Maddie's jealous eyes looking right at me.

-song of the chapter: girls by the 1975-


author's note: hey dawgs how's it going? SURPRISE YA LIL CHICKEN FRIES I UPDATED ON A SATURDAY WOO! this chapter was very fun to write because I thought hey, what better way to add conflict then add a boy into the story! so anyways it's starting to get good ooh

just in case anyone cares I had my first ever gymnastics meet yesterday and I didn't have any falls! I got 7th on beam and bars, 5th on vault, and 4th all around yayayay

and my story was featured on @inspirationalstories__ yesterday it was a good day tbh

please vote, comment, and read we are so close to 1k reads! literally 11 away! can we get 1.1k by next Sunday? thank you for your support you guys are the coolest little pizza pies I know

-cai the bae

(ps sorry for all the food pet names I'm hungry lol oops)
(pps if you celebrate Christmas what's one thing you're asking for? I want pizza not even kidding bye)

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