Eye for an Eye

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Rán sauntered off the boat humming a small tune that the crewmen had managed to get stuck in her head. Tossing a braid over her shoulder she rested her forearm on the hilt of her sword as she walked around going from stall to stall in search for a wedding present and some new armor.

"Northman?" A man spoke catching her attention. A tall man with kohl linded eyes and olive skin with hair as dark as her smiled at her as his suspicions were correct.

"How could you tell?" She questioned as she walked over noticing the armor and weapons surrounding his hearth.

He chuckled "I have met your lot before. Its the way you stalked the market, and it does help that some of the clothes you wear marks you out from the rest of these common folk." He reached out to touch the scarf in her hair, but she quickly moved away tossing him a glare. "My apologies. Safe to assume to assume you acquired such a piece during a raid around the Mediterranean?"

"It is, my lover gave it to me as a gift."

"Lucky man, but I doubt you are looking for beautiful trinkets considering the first thing that caught your eye when you arrived was that bow across the way." He motioned with his head to the old man sanding a new bow.

"Have you been watching me?" She spoke coyly as she paused for him to give his name.

"Baqir." He replied with a smile. "And I have, hard for a woman like yourself to not catch the eyes of a few men." He shrugged as he leaned on the table.

"Ive heard that before, but one must be careful, the more colorful the creature the more dangerous their bite." She leanded forward as well. "As for what I am in the market for; a friend of mine is to be married, and I am going to war." She stood up straight as she held her head high. "You seem to be the most capable smith here and I have a lot of killing to do, so what do have for a dangerous woman looking for blood." She questioned.

Baqir chuckled before going to get something in the back. He hoisted a large chest up and dropped it on the table before her. "I was asked to make this for an assassin, but unfortunately she was executed before I could give it to her. I haven't been able to find someone to take it off my hands thinking its bad luck to wear a dead assassin's armor. Yet it is even harder to find a woman skilled enough for it to be of use."

"Im already cursed I doubt wearing a dead person's armor will make it much worse." She chuckled as she ran her hand over the crimson stained box. "How much?" She questioned as Baqir grew only more fascinated.

"I can only assume your friend is a warrior just as you are," he grabbed a dagger and placed it on top of the chest. "Its some of my best work, give this to her instead of some silly trinket. As payment all you have will do just to get this damn thing off my hands."

"That cursed huh?" Rán questioned as she pulled out a small bag of coin and tossed it to him.

"I thought pirates and blades for hire were supposed to be wealthy?" He questioned as he looked in the bag.

"Large crew means small shares of the loot." She muttered as she buckled the dagger to her belt and lifted the chest with a grunt. "Fuck thats heavy." She groaned before shuffling off. She looked over her shoulder "Thank you." She called back.

Baqir just waved her off as he continued to count the coin. Rán rolled her eyes as she made her way back to the ship making extra care to avoid Zhang Min and the rest. When she made it to her room she set the chest on her bed with a huff before unbuckling the dagger from her hip and set it beside the chest. Running her hand over the chest she quickly opened it and pulled out the various items completely in awe of each one. "Definitely an assassin." She muttered before pulling off her clothes and putting on her new prize. It was extremely light weight as she lifted her hood and tested the movement and jumping in surprise as a hidden blade extended from her forearm.

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