Chapter 25 - D-Date...?

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I'm gonna do a filler here. Kinda because I feel like doing it....

Btw, the pic doesn't belong to me, I found it on Google.

You guys dont mind right?

Then, Enjoy!! ^^


Senna's POV

Currently I'm sitting beside Sasuke's bed. In the Hospital of course. He's still asleep. Kakashi must have put a seal on his neck too. I'm currently reading a novel, not like Kakashi's. Just a normal romance novel while I wait for Sasuke to wake up.

It turns out the winners for the preliminaries will be battling one month after. So they got plenty of time to rest. Naruto already went out saying he'll find Kakashi to ask him to train him. Naruto will be fighting Neji. While Sasuke will be fighting Garaa.

I sigh. I really cant focus at all. I close my book and look at Sasuke.

"Miss him already?" Kakashi suddenly teleport in.

I almost kick him.

"I'll really kill you if you do that again" I threaten him.

He chuckle.

I saw Sasuke stired abit and his eyes open.

He stood up slowly.

"Owww....god dammit...." He held his neck.

I frown.

"Sasuke, you feeling better?" I ask.

He look at me and smiled slightly and gave a nod.

"Hai, hai, before you go lovey dovey infront of me...Sasuke, Tomorrow see me at the training ground. I'll be training you. So today, you can go out on a date with this girl right here or something" Kakashi said, glancing at me.

" want to die?" I look at him, a fairly big amount of killing intent released.

He sweatdrop at me and chuckle nervously.

"Well bye!!" He immediately teleport.

"Senna..." I turn around when he call me.

"y-yeah?" I answered, still having a tint of pink on my face.

"Lets go on a date" He state.

"E-Ehh? D-date? Really?...............




Where....?" I said, more like a low mumble.

I heard Sasuke chuckle.

"I'll pick you up. Why dont you go back first. I'll pick you by 6. Wear nice" He said, smirking.

I blush even more. Damn you Sasuke....

I walk out and walk around the village. Its only been a day after the preliminary.... Now its 12 noon. He'll pick me by 6. And he want me to wear nice...

I'm seriously panicking now!!! Who do I go to for advice?


I snap out from my trouble when my name was called.

"S-sakura!" I exclaim, surprise.

She's currently, what I'm guessing doing a grocery shopping, judging from the bag of groceries she's carrying.

I immediately took her hand.

"S-sakura, help me!" I said.

Sakura's POV

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