Chapter 17

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Aubrie's POV
The night ended and I couldn't shake this feeling about Brandon.Im not gonna lie I was scared and a little worried.I wanted to tell Algee so bad but I just know I couldn't. "Babe ima take a shower okay".Algee said to me as he went to the bathroom. "Ok baby".I said back. I laid down just over thinking the situation until my phone rang.I looked at it and saw it was Brandon. "Oh no".I said to myself.Is this nigga really serious.I ignored it.But then he started calling me persistently.I gave in and answered. "Are you fucking kidding me..Brandon stop calling my damn phone before we have a problem".I said as I answered the phone. "Babygirl why so hostile...I miss you and I know you miss me too sexy".He said. "Suck my dick you faggot!".i shouted as I hung up the phone.Algee then came out the bathroom as he finished taking a shower. "Babe you alright..I heard you shouting".He asked in concern. "Oh yeah babe I'm fine just some unknown number keeps calling".I lied. He giggles. "Probably some little ass kids".He said. I fake laughed. "Yeah probably".

Algee's POV
Something was off about Aubrie ever since she came from downstairs and I didn't know what it was.I don't wanna get all up in her business so ima let her rock for now until she's ready to talk.After I get dressed I lay next to her. "Gee Gee can you hold me".She asked as if she was scared. "Of course baby".I said as I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her.She fell asleep right away.Her phone kept ringing.I decided to look and see it was and I seen a nigga. "Brandon?".I asked myself quietly.I was gonna answer but I wasn't tryna be that kind of boyfriend so I decided to leave it and ask her about it some time soon.I then tried to fall asleep but then Aubrie started talking in her sleep. "Leave me alone".She said still asleep. "Please leave me alone".she said again this time she jumped out her sleep crying.She scared the hell out of me. "Aubrie you okay what's wrong". I asked her. She snapped out of it and tried to play it off. "Oh shit just a bad dream babe sorry about that".she said as she laid back down facing the opposite way. I knew she was lying and something was up...I just wonder what it is.

Aubrie's POV
I was a little embarrassed at myself.Now Algee suspects something is wrong. Oh my goodness this isn't gonna end well. *the next day*i woke up to see Algee not there.I got up and went downstairs. "Algee".I called out but he didn't answer. "Nah he's not here but I am".I heard a voice say turns out to be Brandon. I was scared out my mind I almost pissed myself. He was sipping orange juice out of my glass. "What...the...fuck...are you doing here".I asked sounding nervous asf. " why you look like you seen a ghost...anyways I'm here for you as your sleep".He asked.I can't believe this nigga turned out to be a psycho. "Brandon you need to get tf out my house you stupid son of a bitch".I said angrily. He laughs. " see I don't like this energy you been giving off..I'm here to see my babies".He said so calmly. I was confused. "I am not your baby bitch and this baby isn't yours so get ya stupid ass out before I do something I won't regret".I demanded. "You sure bout that...cause last time I checked when we made love for the last time I didn't use a condom...and I made sure I planted my seed in you...".He explained. At that point I didn't even wanna hear it cause I knew he was just talking shit. " wait a minute don't come in my house tryna do the shit your doing I know who the father is and it ain't you because Algee didn't use a condom neither".I told him. "Yeaaah but I'm pretty sure he wasn't planning to have a baby so Ik he pulled see he's not gonna realize he did because let me guess u felt sick right after right so of course he's gonna believe that you're pregnant with his child...well yeah that was my sperm and your egg and our embryo starting to develop Bri".He said while smirking all evilly.what he was saying was starting to make sense. I started to cry. " it can't be".I said to myself as I started crying. I then screamed. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!".I shouted.I started throwing everything I could at him to get him to leave. He then got up and rushed to me.He grabbed me by my neck and pinned me against the wall. "Listen Aubrie I'm not fucking got 24 hours to pack your shit cause you'll be coming with me...and if you don't you and that baby will be dead".I said to me sounding so devilish.I then used all my strength to push his ass off of me. "Fuck you bitch I'm not going anywhere with you". I shouted. He then laughed. "We'll see about that".He said as he walked out.I then cried my hardest as I sat on the kitchen floor....

To be continued....

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