Chapter 19

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Aubrie's POV
What tf did I just do. I dropped the gun and stood there staring in space. Algee came over to me and hugged me. I didn't even hug him back. "Babygirl?".He said to me but my mind was in a different world. Algee then started to panic. "AUBRIE!".He shouted. I snapped out of it and I panicked. "What did I do what did I do what did I do Gee!!!!!!".I cried. "It's alright babe I got this handled".He said to me. "Babe no because when the cops come looking for him and asking questions I don't have time so I'm gonna call the cops and tell them that it was self defense and I'm pregnant so they'll rule it out as that".I explained to him. " nah babe what about me what they gon say about me".He asked. "You leave and gtf out of here babe I got this handled okay just get everything and go to Luke's and explain to him what happened and use that as an alibi just in case".I said speaking quickly. He nodded and did what I said and left.I then called the police and they were on their way.*5 minutes later* I started crying so I can look believable. "Ma'am are you alright".the officer asked me. "Yeah". I said. "Can you tell me what happened".The officer asked. "He's been harassing me even since Monday and he was telling me how he won't leave me alone...I just ignored him and thought he would've eventually stopped until today I called him to tell him he really needs to leave me alone before I bring my boyfriend and the police into this and he didn't care..he popped up anyways and then he put his hands on me by choking me and threatened to kill me and my unborn as he tries to punch me I pulled out my boyfriend's gun and shot him before he got the chance too".I said while crying.I could tell the officer felt bad for me,he saw the marks on my neck so he rubbed my back. "And where was your boyfriend during all of this".He asked. "He was hanging out with my brother...I didn't want to tell him about this guy because I didn't want him to worry".I said. "Okay Ms.James...we got this covered from're good just call your boyfriend and let him get you out of here okay". I smiled. "Okay".

Algee's POV
"YO MAN WTF WHY DIDNT NONE OF YALL TELL ME THIS FUCK NIGGA WAS HARRASING MY SISTER MAN".Luke screamed. I can tell he was furious cause he loved his little sister so I understood. "Luke Aubrie literally just told me today and that's when I took care of the situation until she shot him".I explained. His eyes widened. "She did WHAT?!".He asked. "Yes but please don't fuss at her man okay she did it to save herself...she couldn't take that nigga fucking with her".I told him. "Yo what type of television show type shit is this...BUT WAIT ISNT THE POLICE GONNA QUESTION HER...HELL NAH WE GOTTA GO OVER THERE".Luke shouted trying to leave. I stopped him. "Luke trust me I know my wife she's smart she got this handled".I told him. He then took a deep breath. "Man I hope so".he said. *my phone rang*
"Bri you okay".I asked. "Yeah babe just come get me okay I'll explain later".She said. "Ight I'm on my way".I hung up and went to go pick her up. I left and about 20 minutes later I arrive and see Aubrie standing outside waiting for me.She walks to my car and gets in. "Just drive babe".She said.

Aubrie's POV
I was still in shock about what I did but I'm glad that I wont be in any kind of trouble. "So what they say".He asked me. "Everything is handled im good to go".I said while smiling in relief.He smiled. "Damn my baby mother /wife is a gangster".He said while laughing. "Shit anything for my man".I then kissed him at the red light.I then decided to give him a quickie.So I started to unbuckle his pants. "Woah woah head at the light babe😍".he asked.I didn't say anything i just started to give him some sloppy head. " yeah you're definitely having my last name😩".He said as his body started to curl up while he started to drive which I found so funny and cute.I kept sucking until we got to our destination.I then sat up and wiped my mouth off. He was just sitting there in a whole other world😂. I then realized where we I punched him. "Babe we are at my brother's house wtf".I said. He then snapped out of it fixed his pants. "Yeah babe thought you might wanna see him cause he wants to see you".he said. "ALGEE I JUST GAVE YOU HEAD AND NOW IM SUPPOSE TO BE IN MY BROTHER'S FACE....EWWW".I screamed. All he did was laugh. I was irritated. "Fuck you".I said as I got out the car. "I love you too sexy".He said to me. I then ring the door bell and Luke answers. He hugs me right away. " Bri Bri is everything okay".He asked me. "Yeah Luke everything is taken care of I explained everything to the cops and told them it was self defense and that I was pregnant so they took everything from there".I explained. He smiled. "I feel so much better now but what's that dried up stain by your mouth". He said staring at me in disgust. Algee then burst out laughing. I felt so embarrassed. " oh y'all just nasty sl come inside...y'all some freaks🤣".he joked as we all went in.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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