𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕕𝕤

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"Alright, what is going on here?" Hawks chuckled, gesturing to Y/N and Katsuki, who were holding hands. All three of them were early to the meeting, meaning they were the only ones there. Y/N grinned and released Katsuki's hand, touching her fingertips together and bending her knees.

"W-we put ouw beds next to each othew in Minecwaft."

"You're a fucking moron." Katsuki growled, kissing her on the cheek.

Hawks burst out laughing at the new couple's behavior, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Ah man, you guys are a riot. Wait till Endeavor hears about this."

Y/N snickered while Katsuki simply scoffed, sitting down next to each other. Kaminari and Kirishima walked in, followed by Mineta. Kaminari stared at the two heroes, eyes wide.

"Well there's something you don't see everyday. Y/N and Bakugo are sitting next to each other."

"Care to make that a threesome?" Mineta chuckled, starting to walk over to the other side of Y/N. Katsuki started to growl when Hawks smoothly slid into the seat next to Y/N. That smooth motherfucker.

"Sorry, occupied!" Hawks chirped, grinning. Mineta dejectedly skulked over to another seat, more people starting to trickle into the room. Endeavor finally showed up, not noticing the unlikely pair sitting together.

"Alright. As you know, yesterday was the last day of our partner program, so say goodbye to your partners." He said, making everyone either whine or cheer. Y/N turned to Katsuki, beaming with tears in her eyes.

"Later, skater."

"We're going to see each other a lot more-"

"Shut up and let me be dramatic."

Endeavor glanced at Y/N and Katsuki, confusion in his eyes, before clearing his throat and continuing. "So, would any of you care to share what happened on your last day?"

Everyone's heads turned to the small, goofy girl and the tall, angry man, anticipating the newest tea. Y/N chuckled and jabbed a thumb at her chest, pride swelling up inside her.

"I stuck my dick up his ass-"

"We're dating now." Katsuki said bluntly, making Endeavor choke on and spit out his coffee. Everyone gaped at the two pro heroes, disbelief painting their faces.

  "I smell cap." Kaminari said suspiciously. "I demand receipts."

  "Bet. Yesterday at approximately 2:37 pm, pro hero Ground Zero, AKA Katsuki Bakugo said these exact words: 'I'm in love with you, Y/N.'" Y/N said in a robotic voice, making everyone question if she was really human. She blinked once and grinned. "The end."

"Get that coochie, Y/N." Mina sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye and clapping. Y/N stood up and bowed, then plopped down onto Katsuki's lap. Endeavor coughed, trying to get the last of the coffee out of his lungs.

"That is...great news, Rewind, congratulations. Anyone else have a story to share?"

  "I had a fivesome yesterday." Mineta piped up, making the whole room burst out laughing, even Endeavor. Y/N wheezed, smacking the table repeatedly.

  "That is a good joke, Mineta. Very funny." Endeavor chuckled, covering his mouth with his 'Baddest Bitch' mug. "Any stories that aren't fictional?"

No one said a word.

"Alright then, meeting-"

"Wait, I have a question for Shoto." Y/N said, suddenly serious. Todoroki looked at her, blinking in surprise. She turned to the bi-color haired man. "If your hair is two different colors upstairs, does that mean that it's the same down-"

"Meeting adjourned." Endeavor coughed, not wanting to hear about his son's pubes. The people in the room slowly started to leave. Y/N hopped off of Katsuki's lap, pulling him up and holding his hand. The couple exited out of the building, hands swinging back and forth.

"So Katsuki, can I call you daddy now that we're dating?" Y/N chirped, grinning. Katsuki smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist as he guided her to his car.

"You're gonna be calling me daddy tonight, I'll tell you that."

"Oop." Y/N said, eyes wide as she blushed. Tonight, her cheeks would be clapped.

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