𝟒: 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥.

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➪ Half a year had already gone by

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Half a year had already gone by...

Chieko's previous medium-length ebony hair that faded into crimson was now much longer. The bloodlust from her eyes was almost completely gone, and was replaced with a glint that would make one flinch if she were to glare at them.

Since she was a manager of the Kambe household now, she had to act and dress professionally. Hence, she usually sported a suit that was specially tailored for her. It complimented just the right curves of her fit figure.

Although she acted professionally and respectful towards customers and acquaintances of the Kambe family, her harsh sarcasm and petty name-calling would be no secret once she was alone with Daisuke.

"Oi, the request was successfully sent to Japan, Shittysuke." she slammed open his office door without even knocking. But Daisuke had gotten used to this by now. He had to deal with this if he was going to have her work for him. She was a very useful asset.

"Good." he said as he looked up from his research. "Are you done updating HEUSC?" he asked.

"Almost. I just need to improve his firewalls and we're pretty much done." she shrugged as she slumped herself onto one of the office chairs in front of the man's desk.

Silence engulfed them as Chieko zoned out. Her mind wandered off somewhere random...

Banana + Whale would make a... Whanana?


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Hahaha... What the fuck am I thinking about...

"Is your physical therapy finished?" he asked, eyes scanning through the pages and pages of paperwork on his desk. She flinched a bit due to his sudden question.

"Uhh yeah. Today was the last day. And I'm ready to go back in action!" she grinned, showing her fangs.

For some reason, her fangs were sharp and long, which made her look like a vampire. But of course she wasn't one. It was just a very eye-catching feature of hers.

Daisuke stared at her for a moment before smirking. "Good..."

Chieko rose a brow but shrugged him off. She could never tell what this man was thinking, nor did she care. He had gotten rid of her background and gave her a new chance at a normal life. He even promised him revenge of Ryouta. Speaking of Ryouta...

"Did you get anything on Ryouta?" she asked, her confident tone going dull with rage. He shook his head with closed eyes.

"Ever since he tried to kill you back then, he's just disappeared. I don't know how he's staying under the radar that well, but he's got great skills if he's not dead." he explained.

"Tch, that bastard learned from the best. Me." she smirked but the irritation in her tone didn't go unnoticed. "I'd say he's evolved by now. He may have even gotten better than myself." Chieko sighed.

Her boss took out a cigar and cut off the front. He lit it with a lighter and took a drag before blowing out the smoke. Chieko silently watched as she eyed him under the sunlight coming through the window.

Well, he's quite handsome, I'll give it to ya... she inwardly chuckled. Shaking her head of any ill thoughts, she asked,

"Anyways, is there a particular reason you asked for that division specifically?"

He only smirked at her before replying, "Who knows?"

She sighed as she realized she was not getting anything out of him. "Mystery Man strikes again..." Chieko exclaimed sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

She stood up from the chair and walked towards the exit. "Oh and also." her boss started. She looked back to listen to what he was about to say. "You will be coming with me to Japan."

"Ha?! Why do I have to go?" she loudly questioned, raising a brow.

"You will act as my bodyguard." he simply explained.

"The hell? I'm your manager. Plus, you can handle yourself." she crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him skeptically.

"I know. But it'll never hurt to have you by my side." he said, not caring in the slightest about her opinion. "You may leave."

Chieko scowled and mumbled profanities under her breath as she strode out of the office.

Ugh, I need a change of scenery... she thought and decided to go to the rose garden, which she visited frequently.

"Mm, the smell of blooming roses..." she said to no one in particular as she happily walked around in the garden. The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. Her hair blowing in the soft wind, eyes glowing under the sun...

"Roses, huh... Dead roses..."

She hought back to her days as the Rose Killer.

A notorious assassin famous for leaving roses by the people she had killed.

The only thing they didn't know was that she only left dead roses. Chieko could easily distinguish her own doing from imposters, since they would leave fully bloomed ones. But the police and investigation departments had trouble telling one from the other, which made it harder for them to pinpoint who exactly she was. Guess she has to thank the fakes for helping her stay anonymous.

"Roses are beautiful... once they're dead."

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