𝟗: 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐫.

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➪ Before Chieko could ask what Daisuke meant by 'priceless', the man spoke up,

"How do you know he lives here?" he asked Haru.

"Don't change the subject..." Chieko lowly mumbled to herself with a pout.

"This is what friends are for." the older Kato replied. That's when the rear door opened and an unfamiliar man entered.

"Excuse me~." the man said as he got in, Chieko scooting to the side to make him some space. He had a backpack, and a camera hung around his neck.

"Who are you?" Daisuke asked stoically as he looked back at him.

"Hello. I'm Mita from Weekly Bunshu." he handed a business card to the man infront of him as Chieko looked over the front seat to read it.

"He's an entertainment news reporter." Haru explained.

Entertainment news reports, huh... Chieko thought to herself as she rose a brow at them.

"I'm a freelancer now. I exposed Eririn some time ago." he sat back and dug into the large backpack he had with him.

"Why would a freelancer help us?" Chieko asked him.

"When I was in a gang, Kato-san brought me back to my senses." he pulled out a larga photography camera from his bag with a smirk. "Therefore, I'm willing to help Kato-san at any time." he held the camera, as if holding a gun. Chieko's eyes slightly widened as memories from her past surfaced.

My rose rifle... No, snap out of it... she shook her head and disgarded the memory.

"Hey, you're exaggerating." Haru smirked in a prideful manner, which the girl rolled her eyes to.

Once they were done with the introductions, Mita brought up the udea to eat instant noodles, because he was hungry. Everyone agreed and Mita went with Haru to buy some noodles.

Once they returned, everyone dug into the cheap meal.

"So, you're Kato-san's little sister?" Mita asked the girl. She nodded with a smile.

"Ryū Chieko. I changed my name due to personal reasons." she said as she slurped on the noodles.

"It's pretty good." Daisuke commented. Haru asked if he never had one before and the former replied with a no.

"He's here!!" Mita yelled as he spotted the suspect. Isezaki was walking out of the apartment complex with 3 girls following him. Everyone put aside their meals and got ahold of their 'weapons'.

Haru got his small camera, Mita got his big camera, and Daisuke got his glasses, which was custom made by Suzue.

Chieko thought about bringing out her own weapon, but realized it was under construction back in the base. It would've been nice to see through the scope of her rifle again, but she had to wait. So, she decided to rely on her sight for tonight.

Mita mentioned the names of the female companions who were with Isezaki. They were all Millennium Entertainment's idols.

"Seriously? I'm definitely going to arrest that guy." Haru addressed with a growl.

"You jealous he got all the ladies?" Chieko sneered as she mockingly smirked at her brother. He scowled and replied with a loud and clear no.

And so, the investigation continued on for over a week. The four of them would follow Isezaki around as he partied and entertained ladies.

Eventually, Daisuke figured out what was going on and made an independent move, sending his sister in as a spy.

"Yo, Suzue-chan~" Chieko mused as she walked into the underground base. "I got the blueprints for my baby~!" she excitedly announced.

"Ah, Chieko. Then, I'll work on your Rose Rifle after we're done with this case." the slightly taller female spoke up from below the truck she was working on. Chieko made her way down to where Suzue was working.

"Chie-chan, can you finish testing the rocket launcher for me?"  Suzue requested, which Chieko replied to with an excited "Okay~".

Chieko took the rocket launcher from the large table it was on, next to blueprints of the design.

Heading down another flight of stairs, she arrived at her own lab. The room was a bit smaller compared to Suzue's, but it was big enough to fit an airplane in it. She walked towards the workstation where many kinds of tools laid on top of it. Putting the rocket launcher down, she looked over at her Rose Rifle.

"Hmm, I guess I'll test run the rocket launcher before that..." she said to no one in particular as she picked said item up and loaded it with the spare rockets she made.

She walked towards a giant metal door which had a digital lock on it. Once she pressed the button on it, it started to scan her eyes. Once it was done, a green light flashed and a text that said 'Complete!' appeared.

"Welcome, Ryū Chieko-sama." a robotic female voice came from the speaker under the screen. The thick metal door clicked open to reveal a viewing room, that had a window which looked over a large empty space. Chieko pushed a button next to the window and the window scrolled down.

"Now, let's test out Suzue-san's new baby!" she exclaimed excitedly, a faint blush across her cheeks. Things with explosions, destruction, and technology excited her more than anything.

She pulled the launcher onto her right shoulder and loocked through the scope on it with her right eye.

She aimed for a random blace and pulled the trigger.

A loud bang went off as the rocket flew out of the tip and puerced through the ground. Once it stopped, gas leaked from the custom-made rocket.

Chieko rubbed her right ear as she frowned a bit. "Mm, I guess I should build in a silencer for the sake of Bakasuke's hearing." she said to no one in particular and smiled.

Hmm, I hope there comes a day when I can use this on that bastard Ryouta~

"Well, this baby is working just fine! Can't wait to see it in full action!!" she excitedly said as she walked out of the room, leaving whatever mess she made for the staff to clean up.

She made her way back up to Suzue's division. "Yo, Suzu-chan, I'm done with the launcher." the girl announced as she walked in, only to find her brother on the upped level with Daisuke.

"Eh?! You're here, too?!" Haru yelled.

"Oh, Haru-Nii! What'cha doin' here?" she asked as she went up to their level with Suzue.

"You must be Kato-san? Nice to meet you, my name is Kambe Suzue." the dark haired woman introduced herself.

"Kambe...? This is your home?!" Haru asked Daisuke, surprise evident in his voice.

"This is where I've been staying with this wonderful goddess." Chieko grinned cheekily. She showed off Suzue, as if she was showing off some prize.

"Welcome to the Kambe manor's secret base. Japan edition." She chuckled.

mm, can suzue marry me pls? 😌

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