𝟏𝟎: 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡.

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➪ Suzue and Daisuke explained to Haru about their discovery about the drug lord. They basically had everything figured out, who the culprit, Umezu, was dealing business with, and all the people involved in the crime.

"How about using this opportunity to wipe them out?" Suzue asked.

"W-wait hold on, wipe out? By the way, who on earth..." Haru irked, the dark circles under his eyes more visible than ever.

"I followed Daisuke's order to work undercover for Isezaki." the woman smiled. "The mastermind behind Gondawara-gumi is their deputy godfather, Umezu." she explained.

"Once he's out of the picture, the syndicate will fall apart." Chieko added in with a wide smirk.

"W-Wait!! You're not going to kill him are you?!" Haru worriedly and angrily questioned his sister. She shrugged as she looked to the side with a pout.

"I mean, there's no reason not to..." she deadpanned. Just as Haru was about to scold her, Daisuke spoke up,

"Any ideas?" he asked the black haired woman. Suzue explained about the drug party that would be held soon. She had a slight frown, due to the awful odor Haru was giving off.

"What exactly are you up to?" the detective asked.

"All that it takes is up to 2 billion yen to arrest Umezu and take down the Gondawara-gumi." Daisuke explained with his usual expressionless face.

"I didn't get relevant information on this party. I'll own up to that. But I dislike how you slap people around with your money. Do as you wish. But I'll do things my way." Haru's husky voice growled irritatedly. He made his way to the elevator.

"Kato-san!" Suzue called after him. "Ano, are you dining in? Also, if you don't mind, why don't you take a shower?" the girl suggested.

"I'm fine! I'm on assignment!" the taupe haired man exclaimed and stormed out of the lab.

"He really is a meticulous police officer." Suzue wondered. "Ah!" she seemed as if she realized something. "Chieko-san, the project?" she smiled at the girl. Chieko grinned as she went down to pick it up from the table she put it on.

"Our precious Suzue-chan made this!" Chieko held it up above her head to show it off to Daisuke, eyes glinting with admiration towards the wonderful woman.

The devilish smirk returned to the man's features as he realized what it was.

"We're going to use this to take down that damn yakuza group!"

And so, three days went by pretty quickly. Chieko and Suzue continued to work on the helicopter gunship, rocket launcher, and other devices they may need in the future.

The day of the raid finally arrived and the two Kambes were ready to take down Gondawara-gumi.

"You coming, Chieko?" Suzue asked while getting dressed into decent clothes for her to pilot the helicopter.

"Yeah, yeah. Coming." the girl in question yelled from the floor below. Chieko was working on her Rose Rifle, making adjustments here and there.

Once she was done, she quickly changed into her suit, which she wore as a bodyguard uniform whenever with Daisuke.

She arrived at where Suzue was and they both got everything needed.

"Rocket launcher?"


"Your grenades?"

"Check!" Chieko replied as she held a grenade belt fully loaded with custom-made explosives.

"Alright, let's be on our way then." Suzue got ahold of the rocket launcher and the two made their way to the roof, where the helicopter pad was located.

Daisuke was already there, waiting for them while smoking his Havana cigar from Cuba.

"Here you go." Suzue handed the launcher to the man in black as she boarded to helicopter.

"Ready to go boom boom on those drug lovers?" Daisuke heard Chieko's rough voice ask. He glanced at her and noticed the smirk etched onto her lips.

"Yes." he replied, mimicing her feature.

The two followed after Suzue and got onto the helicopter. They took off shortly after putting on their noise cancelling headphones.

Once they arrived at the location of the drug party, Suzue stopped the vehicle mid-air and opened the door. Chieko and Daisuke stepped up, ready to fire.

The golden eyed woman could see her brother on the roof below them. She inwardly apologized for what she was about to do.

Daisuke looked at the building through his sunglasses and the scope, making sure his aims were precise. Chieko on the other hand had pretty great sight and aim, being an SS rank sniper and all.

"Boom boom bITch!!" The girl yelled as she held up 2 grenades with above her head. She threw them at the roof, one by one, all the while a manical smile was etched across her face with a faint blush.

Once the objects were close enough to the ground, it advanced towards it with a small explosion. It pierced itself into the hard concrete and chloroform leaked from it. The people on the roof, including Haru, passed out and dropped like flies. Daisuke on the other hand, fired to the lower floor, which had the same results as Chieko's.

"Well, mission accomplished!" the girl said as she saw the destruction they had caused.

"The police should arrive soon. Let's stand by until the culprits are arrested." Daisuke suggested, which the two females nodded to.

That was fun!

So to give you guys a bit more info on our dear Chieko, she's like a mixture of Toga Himiko and Bakugou Katsuki from boku no hero academia. Her voice is rough and loud like bakugou's , and when she's excited or happy, there is always a wide smile and a blush on her face like toga's. her smirk is also similar to bakugou's.

yeh thas all. tnku all for reading, have all my uwus pls.

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