All The Right Moves- Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


My life felt like a lie.

One big twisted lie.

I know that that wasn't necessarily true, but I couldn't help it.

I was engaged to Drew and I couldn't even comprehend the fact that he hadn't told me about us.

I hadn't slept in what felt like ages and I know that my restless nights would catch up to me.

I had been going into work with Blake over the last three weeks, trying to regain any and all aspects that I could.

Enough letting people take control over what was once completely controlled by me.

I wanted to regain my own sense of normalcy and I had felt a new routine of balancing work and picking up the business in no time.

I had followed up with my neurologist and although he had put me on a strict no driving rule due to my injuries for three months post-surgery, I was finally in the clear.

The only negative being my car was with Drew and I refused to ask him for it.

I could not bear the thought of seeing him. It had been three weeks since our argument and every time he would come over Blake's, I'd make any excuse to run.

Drew had packed his belongings and left the night we had argued.

Where he'd been since was beyond me.

Having an Uber drop me off from work to dinner, I had settled fine into Earl's waiting.

I looked at my phone and noticed that maybe he'd be running late.

"Charlie?" I heard a female voice say behind me.

I instantly turned my head to the direction the voice came from.

It was as if I were staring at a ghost.

Staring a little too long, she let out a nervous laugh and broke the awkward silence, "It's good to see you, how are you?"

I felt my throat tighten at the sight of her.

Her curly hair hadn't changed a bit.

"Michelle." I stated.

I felt my hands clench to my side.

My body was in flight or fight mode. From what Blake had told me, we left off on the worst possible terms.

Especially after Blake had informed me of her accident on the dock, it was for good reason.

"I heard about your accident. I'm glad to see that you're okay," She stated hesitantly.

I gazed closely at her, taking in her appearance.

It seemed as if she hadn't aged a day.

I sighed, "I'm alright. Thanks for asking."

She nodded, "Listen, I know that this doesn't change anything at all for what has happened, but I swear on my life if I could take back what happened-"

I interrupted her, "Michelle, sit down."

I ushered for her to sit in the chair across from me.

Obliging, she sat and nervously twiddle with her fingers doing so.

I let out a small breath before responding, "At lot has happened since that night four, five, however many years ago. I want you to know that although I may not distinctly remember that night, or the nights leading up to it, I do know that you weren't a good friend to me."

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