Chapter 36

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Bulma was staring. It's not like she didn't normally stare at her friend. It was different. Normally when she stared she was trying to decipher what was going on in that head of hers. That wasn't the case. She was staring for other reasons. She realized that Sarada was very nice to look at. She would never admit that to the girl. Or anyone. Sarada would be too smug about it.

But she was nice to look at.

At the moment she had on her glasses as she busied herself with an odd device. Bulma couldn't bring herself to wonder about what she was making. She will always think Sarada looks amazing in glasses. They make her look brainy, which suits her. It also adds to the air of mystery she already has around her. Sarada in glasses is a rare sight that she appreciated.

As much as she loved seeing the girl in glasses she knew to look away a couple of times. Staring was creepy. But at the moment it was very hard to look away because Sarada was shirtless. She was on the floor of the ship, glasses on working on an object. She had on a pair of baggy pants and a sports bra, but that was it.

Why in the world was she shirtless?

Bulma wasn't used to seeing a shirtless Sarada. Yes she had seen her naked a couple of times, but they were kids back then. So she had to ask herself why the girl was shirtless. Bulma knew Sarada had a toned body. It was obvious. She trains practically everyday. She shouldn't have been surprised. But she wasn't expecting it. She was just sitting there, enjoying the cake she had found in the fridge when Sarada walked out of her room. She was distracted. She had already been working on what ever it is she's trying to make. She hadn't been paying a lot of attention. She almost didn't notice Bulma. Which was a good thing. Since when did Sarada have abs. As in a visible six pack. It wasn't bulky or rock hard like most men like. It was lean? Was that the word for it? She didn't know. She didn't really care. It was just nice to look at.

"Sarada why are you shirtless? "She liked to look, but she was still curious. Why was she shirtless?

Sarada didn't seem to register her voice until a few seconds later. She looked up. Black eyes framed by her red glasses. She seemed confused for a moment before looking down on herself. She seemed to suddenly realize something and looked back towards Bulma.

"I was in the process of putting on a shirt when I got a brilliant idea"

So in other words, she got distracted and forgot all about her shirt. Bulma wasn't at all surprised by that. Sarada tends to work on things the minute she gets the idea.

"Well, you can put on a shirt now"

Sarada said nothing and returned her attention to her work in progress.

"I don't feel like it anymore. It's a whole new feeling of freedom " Sarada said as she fidgeted with whatever she had in her hands. Her feet were folded and her tail was twitching idly behind her. Bulma was staring again, before looking away and stuffing a piece of cake into her mouth. She was starting to understand Sarada's problem with seeing her naked. It was indeed distracting. Sarada wasn't naked but it was more than enough to catch Bulma's attention.

Sarada had looked up at Bulma again to catch her staring. Their eyes met and there was silence. Bulma went red in the face and looked away. She seemed irritated. Sarada didn't know if that emotion was directed at her or Bulma herself. What could she have done? She's just working on a new gadget. Sarada didn't question her stares. Bulma always stares. It's her way of trying to figure her out. Even more so when she told told her why she knew so much. She hadn't told her the actual truth. It would be weird. She just told her that she somehow knew of different timelines and they are somewhat identical to the one they currently exist in. It was the truth but not entirely. She didn't feel right about telling her the entire truth. She would ask questions about her canon self. What type of person she was. What she did. Was she helpful. Who she ended up with. All of that and Sarada felt uncomfortable about it all.

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