Chapter 49

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Bardock sighed from his place against the wall. Sarada was standing on his shoulder and gazing into the building where the preliminaries are being held. He did not understand why she had to stand on his shoulder. When asked she just replied with him being right there. So here he was, leaning against a wall with his daughter on his shoulder. He was not even going to question where Bulma went. She just disappeared when he stopped paying attention.

"As expected"Sarada finally spoke , her tail twitching behind her. "Kakarot, Krillin and Chichi are destroying anyone in their way. It's a good thing they are all placed in different devisions"

"Yes, as predicted" Bardock said casually, not at all bothered by the weigh on his shoulder.

Sarada eyed every fighter present. She didn't see master Roshi anywhere. Was he not taking part? Maybe he realized it be trouble if he had to go up against Kakarot. But then again he is stronger now, so why not compete ? She'll ask him later if she runs into him. She could sense his ki. He was around somewhere. Him and Coco. She shivered at the thought of what they could get up to. She was quick to dismiss the thought and continue to spy.

Kakarot had happened to glance her way and spotted her. He grinned brightly and waved discreetly. She returned the grin and wave. Chichi was soon to see her and she greeted her just as enthusiastically as her brother. When Krillin saw her he paled. Sarada sighed. She questioned why the boy was so afraid of her. She never did him anything. But then she realized that Kakarot must have told him about the training he went through and must have scared the boy. Either way he was scared of her. She had to admit she was a bit mean to him, but she couldn't help it. It was Krillin after all. The one person that actually had a logical brain. At least in the little friend group her younger brother gathered.

"I still think it would have been worth a laugh if you entered" Bardock said as he glanced up at his only daughter. She shrugged her shoulders, not looking away from her brother and his friends.

"Maybe next year"

She wondered if she would be seeing Yamcha again. It wouldn't be the same without him, even though she didn't like him . If he isn't there what will happen yo the classic crater scene? She sighed. A tragic loss. The crater scene shall be missed. She continued to watch her brother and friends easily climb the rankings. She had a feeling she would be seeing the man again. He's apart of the main cast so he would have to return one way or another.

She let out a sigh and hopped off her father's shoulder. She started to walk away, motioning for the man to follow. She had sensed multiple people heading her way and decided it was best they leave. She had seen enough. She just wanted to see the three fight a bit. They were all dressed in the signature orange gi, which Sarada found to be rather nice. They're a little team. She laughed a bit and stuffed her hands in her pocket.

"I need something to eat" she muttered.

"Same here" Bardock rested his arm on her head, leaning on her. "What does this place have? "

Sarada shrugged as she looked around. She caught many scents. Delicious, all of them. Which stand should they visit?

"How about sushi? " both asked at the same time. They looked at eachother and grinned.

"Sounds like a great idea"

The two made their way to the stand and stood amongst others craving the dish. Sarada took a quick look around and noticed that every girl in the area was eyeing her father with red faces. She blinked when she noted how love struck most of them seemed. She looked at her father, but he did not seem to notice. She looked away with a hidden smile. The man doesn't even know what he's doing to the women around him

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