4 Me

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I watched as Iris carried a sleeping Aella out of the studio as Aurora followed dragging behind. My family looked immensely tired, as if they've been up for days.

I waited at the end of the hall as they put Aella in a bedroom, 'I wish they could see me just to know I am here'n I thought to myself. Coming out of the room and closing the door, turning towards my end of the hallway.

"Mama". Iris said wide eyed almost popping out of her head.
"Iris". Aurora said practically clawing trying to climb into her sisters arms from shock and fear. I just smiled and waved and walked onto another hallway.

As I was walking I noticed a room that was once empty that Prince was going to convert for the museum he was setting up now held a gigantic picture of me with these huge 4ft purple and blue candles, dresses that I've worn to charity events were in there bags laid on the huge purple suede ottoman that I was similar to the one I was found on.

Kirk later came in with Prince discussing the plans for this new room.

"Alright so we're going to set the fence up on that wall, so people can put flowers and things on the floor. Her dresses and gowns will be put on the mannequins and will be in front this wall." Kirk stating looking at Prince dor reaction.

"I want the wall to have pictures painted of her in every gown she has ever worn or in this room". He stated and kirk nodded.
April 1998

"I love you, more than a friend..."

"NO. No that's not okay that's bad. That'd not good, your MARRIED. Oh goodness this this isn't right you need counseling you you need..." I was cut off with a kiss as we drove around Paris. But I pushed him off. "Are you crazy, Are you out of your mind?" I said trying to think.

"I'm not married anymore." He said trying to calm me down and get my breathing under control.

"I love you, you know that. I mainly love the fact that you love me for me. As a man not an artist or musician. I love the fact I'm the only you ever really care about seeing, you ask me how I'm doing. I love the beautiful fact that you care.
"So we're going to Spain, oh this is exciting." I said as we - Larry, Tina, Twister, Music man and myself sat on a plane going to Spain.

"Its alright, We're only going to these shows and I have a press conference to do so it not going to be much". Prince stated with his eyes closed.
Arriving there I wasn't met with the most gracious welcome as usual, Mayte seemed bothered by our presence. The day of the conference Prince insisted I come he said that there was going to be more than he anticipated.
"Oh my goodness, this place is like a dream." I said looking at this Spanish Villa. "Why do y'all have all these rooms,y'all only got on butt." Prince watched me with humor.

"What would you do with a house like this?" He asked.

"Sell it to an over crowded orphanage or start my own." I stated looking at the chandelier.

"I love that response, almost as much as I love y...". He cut himself off as Larry cleared his throat warning that mayte was present.
February 99

We were back in Spain and everytime, every single time Mayte became colder and colder towards us.

Then all hell broke loose the day of another Press Conference. "We will be annulling our marriage to have a more spiritual connection..."

"Why he lying? He never wants to come here. He know he doesn't want to stay with her". Twister said as we watched on. Mayte and I made eye contact she saw the shocked look on my face and shrugged still smiling a fake smile.
January 1, 2001

"I know everything happened so fast". I told Twister as we danced at this beautifully done venue after the wedding service.

"He really loves you Selly, your all he used to and still talks about ever since 97. But I'm going to do a little spin cause I don't like how he looking at me"

"Everything's fine plus, I don't think he even cares about us right now- oh never mind he is looking pretty hard". I said catching Prince's death glare as Twister and I danced.

"May I cut in?" Prince said from behind Twister looking at me with intensity. "I would love to dance with this beautiful bride". He said holding his hand out.

"Yes sir." Twister said with anxiousness in his voice.

"You're my wife. I'm supposed to be able to have you to myself, especially on my wedding day". Prince said in my ear before kissing it. "I finally have you all to myself." He said kissed my exposed shoulder. "I can't remember the last time I was this happy, I love you so much". He said squeezing me tightly.

"5 years ago." I stated referring to his last wedding.
"No, I wasn't even this happy back then, I don't have to live up to some fantasy with you, with you I can just be myself". He said looking in my eyes right before he pecked my lips.

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