Butterflies ?

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"Our daughters are becoming women. They're smart and doing everything properly with our estate. I'm not there to hold any of them anymore." Prince staring off.
"You know, we can still hold them, protect them,watch over them just like we used to, whenever you want to go we'll go. They know you're protecting them you always have.
Iris 2006

"Daddy... daddy." I heard my little girl cries from her bedroom. She was sick and so was Lee. Sugar was in bed curled in fetus position and crying.
"What's wrong baby, you're stomach hurts?" I asked rubbing her back as she nodded. "Come here, everything's going to be alright." I as she laid with her back against my stomach as I rubbed hers for about an hour before I took her in our bedroom. "Try and get some sleep Sugar." I whispered as she laid with a leg across my upper abdomen and a arm across my chest I had feeling to sing a old song to her, only because Lee was knocked out on melatonin. "Why the butterflies" she gazed into my eyes before going to sleep.
At Paisley Park I watched as Lee    straightened dark 4c hair flowed as she chased our littlest child Aella around, Pebbles{Aurora} and Sugar were between the playground and looking at the butterflies, I remembered how Lee wanted a butterfly garden before you walked outside I just never got the butterflies for her.

"Daddy!" Sugar was running full speed to the door with something between her index finger and thumb.
"Look it's a butterfly", she helped a  butterfly to my face while I held her my arms. That's when I decided to get the butterflies.
2010 December
I heard screaming as I walked up to the house out of the freezing cold.
"Daddy I'm dying. I'm going to bleed to death". My baby said screaming it so that God could hear her with tears on her face, my heart started racing  as she fell into me with her white satin pajamas. "WHERE ,ARE YOU HURT?" I screamed as grip became looser she looked down at her pants and instantly knew.....
In my bathroom I went through Lee's things to find her a pad, coming across a box of tampons I threw them away. Sugar sat in the bathtub filled with bubbles as I went to get her fresh  underwear and pajamas. As I came back I asked "Do you know what's happening to your body?" Putting the menstrual napkin in her underwear for her as I sat beside the tube in a gold and suede chair -where me or Lee would sit to talk, read continue conversations when one of us were taking a bath-. "I think so...I got my period don't I." I grimaced but kept my composure I nodded and said your, "You're becoming a woman... to fast."

December 2011

Lee was in Chicago doing things with the youth for the charity foundation and planning things as I was on tour. I decided to bring my oldest two girls because I was comfortable with them being seen in public. Andy is a phenomenal musician and I love collaborating with her and she somewhat  reminds me of my wife but still could never be my wife. Now I have many shirts with the face of my wife on them actually I have a suit that contains a plethora of headshots of her. As a new man, loyal husband who strictly believes in commitment and monogamy I called my wife to ask her if it was okay to wear Andy on my shirt and she was just find with that because I mainly did as promotion, my little Sugar didn't see it that way.
"Why are you wearing her own your shirt? Does Mama know?" She said with sass and attitude as Andy and Aurora watched on. "Yes she knows." I stared at her in the reflection. A couple of shows later I was going to wear it again but couldn't find it.
"Sugar, have you seen daddy's shirt?" I asked her. "Nope". She said looking through a magazine. She suggested I wear the butterfly she designed. Till this very day the only thing I have of that shirt is Andy's cut out eye. Sugar later suggested I put her and her sisters of a shirt which I eventually did.

 Sugar later suggested I put her and her sisters of a shirt which I eventually did

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