Pink Cashmere

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One of my favorite songs was "Pink Cashmere", after learning that he bought me many cashmere sweaters in a variety of colors.

April 19th 2016. He laid in his dark bedroom that had no decor with greens walls  with my black cashmere sweater wrapped around him. Aella sat against the door mindlessly petting Coco, she was the youngest and she is what people today would call a rainbow baby. She was around me the most, she's still trying to find her way in this cold world. She's taken some of pink and yellow cashmere sweaters to wear, Prince says nothing though because he knows she's hurt.

December 15, 2001

"We're taking you home today sugar, you have a lot  people who want to see you." Prince spoke to our daughter as Rondell grabbed the last of our things. News broke that I gave birth but they didn't know when or the gender. "Take care of them, Rondell my life is this car." Prince made sure Rondell understood the need to be safe. "You okay mama, You warm enough?" He asked rubbing my arms, I nodded and he shut the door.

At home Prince set up everything, Mattie,Tyka and Twister along with Summer and Raye were there waiting to see the 5lb. 3 ounces baby girl.

Looking around our luxurious home that was once covered with white poinsettias was now filled with pink ones along pink roses and fuschia flowers. Gifts of everything pink and white sat on our dinning room black  and white marble table.

Cotton blankets with satin trim in different shades of pink, cream and white. Prince came in before I could see the things he wanted to give his daughter and I. "Come here, I got something else to show you." He took my hand and we went to see the newly finished nursery exactly how he planned - just threw my ideas out the window -

"Its beautiful,Love. When did you do this?" I asked in shock at how much was accomplished when I couldn't even finish painting in my second trimester. "Its very luxurious for a baby".

"Working on the few months. I thought since we have luxurious home she should be in a luxurious room. Let's go open your presents baby. You know you're a real snap back. I'm loving you in this dress." Looking at the almost snug fitting white turtleneck dress that matched his plain white turtleneck.

The gifts consisted of pink and cream colors. I was given cashmere sweaters and a beautiful white cashmere jacket.

"She's so pretty Prince. She has a lot of hair. You got your hands full." Tyka said to me and Prince while holding Iris.

Prince and Mattie were the main ones holding her. I barely held my own child since I've given birth Prince was always holding her when I was awake and I was asleep he was too. "Oh Lee I'm sorry baby, here hold her". Prince handing Iris to me. "Look at the both of you, so beautiful." He said getting teary eyed fixing her little hat that also had her name on it, before putting his hands to his mouth. "That's our baby, Mama." He said stroking my jaw, I looked at him again. "This is our destiny. Its fate."

December 2002

"Twister I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't not today anyway." I said looking down at my black and silver heels that matched Prince's suit for tonight's show.

"Girl you better tell before-"
"Tell who, what?" Prince said in the door way of the dressing room. "Twist, you don't mind do you brother?" He said with a smile and looking me in my eyes, as Twister made his way, Prince was making his b-line towards me bringing his arms around my waist and pulling me forward. "Tell me what you need to tell me baby, I won't get mad Mama". He said rubbing his nose against mine and pecking me.

"I'm pregnant, due in September... or was it August" I said quickly.
"You're what? You were scared to tell me you're having my child." He said with a tone I heard him only use on Mayte or employees that had little value. "Selene, I don't think you know just how happy I am." He kissed and held me until it was time for him to go on. Later he put his hands on my stomach and kissed repeatedly.

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