His Little Baby

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Watching our daughters go through things alone was heart breaking. Iris was protective of her sisters more than usual. Aurora was still in her own little world of wonders and darkness. Aella, poor Aella she couldn't grasp on to anything she was confused at the way the world and her family were acting, people she never met before telling her they were her aunt's and uncles.

Twister stayed with her through most of it though telling her to stay away from them and put your name on nothing they give you.

Aella was a sweetheart determined to see beauty in the ugliest thing. She knew genuine love and help could fix things but she didn't know how.

"My poor little baby." Prince whispered wanting to hold her. As she  laid on his shirt to go to sleep.

She was born during a very terrible period in my life. My heart was broken and depression was a constant battle field in my minds eye.
August 2003

"Oh god something wrong. Ah it hurts." I told Twister as he carried me from the Sun&Moon building to the car. I began saying a prayer of protection over my unborn child, I was almost 5 months and excited this one was going to be a boy. But then I remembered the woman that lived in our commune, she was a wiccan and people thought she was my mother since we looked so much alike, "I pray you never have boys they are worser than girls, they're mean." She said with her palm flat on my stomach and tears in her eyes, I was only eight years old. Her own son stole from her and tried to attack her before he left at the age of 15, the same age she had him. "Trust me. I'm protecting you, poppy." She died the next day in a bed of poppy flowers. Her name was Princess Niela Rogers -coincidence?-

"My boy. His going to die." I cried as rain drops and hail pounded on the car as Twister sped down the road. "Everything's going to be fine. Trust me." He said reaching back. I screamed at the pain so I started pushing but we already the hospital. Once again Prince was called later than he should have, but he couldn't fire Twister not again, but this time it was my decision. Prince didn't care he stepped into the hallway with Twister and came back alone.

Prince nurtured me cared for me. We had Twister and Rondell watch the girls sometimes or Summer would volunteer to take them with her.
January 2004

"Oh God. Prince oh uhh." I screamed as he basically pound into my cervix. "W-wait. Slower." I wanted him to slow down or calm down. I made the mistake of saying that I wanted to leave but only to go to a mental health facility.

"No. Your leaving me. Oh God. You're mine." He grunted in my neck. My bag was packed full of only white clothing,to help with my positivity. "Uh. I love you. I love you so much Lee". He said as he released. "Don't you love me baby?" He asked sitting up moving to the other side of the bed. "Of course, I do."

We laid there as he held me, I held the blue shiny urn with a family of doves on it. Thinking of the son we both lost.
Messiah was a name I just wrote down and didn't care what Prince thought but he liked it, only because he loved me though, but he liked it.
July 4th 2004

"I think I need to go to the hospital."
"I'm gonna call Prince. Ron go pack her bag". I don't know what Prince said to Twister but this time he was on it.
"Sissy". Aurora said looking with coloboma eyes. She kissed the head of full beautiful hair. "Awwww". She said cheering for herself.

"Look honey she's smiling". Prince said showing her to me. She was 4lbs 3 ounces she was born when I was only 7 months but she was safe and healthy.

"Honey, honey you tired,huh honey?" Iris said fixing the blanket and adjusting my knit cardigan. She has never called me mommy I guess because Prince calls me honey or baby and just picked it up. "No I'm okay sweetie." She is a mixture of Prince and I but had his cool, calm and sometimes cold demeanor. Aurora was like me always bubbly, friendly and kind with my brown skin. I wondered what Aella was going to be like.

Dozing of with Aurora laying on my stomach and Iris between Prince and I. I heard him whispering to Aella, "My poor little baby. You're going to be very small, small and fragile but Daddy's here and I'll protect." He kissed her. "My little baby. My own little family... of girls. I can't complain they're all beautiful." He said still looking at his baby.

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