I prefer your love [jimmyXmaggie oneshot request]

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Hey guys!
so this is my first one shot! It was a request so I hope it's okay lol. I prefer to write imagines because they're funner, but yeah, I can still do both.

______one shot____________
"What the hell is your problem?" Maggie yelled grabbing the liquor bottle from her boyfriends hands. "You're supposed to be the one in charge around here. So act like it." She snapped, throwing the bottle against one of the tables. "What do you want from me?" Jimmy asked, clearly drunk. "You don't even love me. You were all over that dandy kid." He slurred. Maggie rolled her eyes, "I literally don't even know who you're talking about." She said. "And if you keep this nonsense up I swear.." "Maggie wait." Jimmy said, attempting to stand up. "Look at you. You're drunk Jimmy. You can't even stand." She began to cry softly. "What is it with you? You get drunk and blame it on some guy whose Palm I read, accuse me of liking him, and throw a tantrum. Grow up!" Maggie shouted, leaving the tent.
Jimmy ran after her and fell down halfway to her tent. "Are you okay?" She asked running back to him. "No! I'm not! I'm not okay! Because I prefer your love to anything else and I'm not doing it right." He said looking into her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him. "Not doing what right?" She asked calmly. "Being a boyfriend and showing you how great you are." She smiled and kissed him on the head. "It's been a rough few weeks for you little lobster. It's okay. I love you so much and I prefer your love to anything else too. Come on," she said standing up and holding out her hand. "Let's get you cleaned up." Jimmy smiled and stood up too. "How did I get so lucky?" He asked.. Maggie turned around sharply. "I don't know, but you are pretty lucky." She said with a wink.

K. Sorry that was short, I'm not the best one shot writer.
But I hope you liked it!
Keep requesting my little freaks😍☺️❤️

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