walk on memories 3

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Isabel glanced at the two concert tickets on her palm. She heaved a deep sigh and slumped her head onto the pillows beside her.

"Grab some honey, mix it with warm water then drink it." Her mother strode across the living room. "Oh, don't look at me like that. You're sick, if you can't go to that recital then give it to someone else."

Isabel let out a groan and rolled once again on their sofa. She looked outside through the windows. "I just got wet last night. But I'm not sick."

"Good. Those tickets are quite expensive." Her mother joined her, the ladies peeking across the setting sun. Isabel smiled and stared at her mother's aging face for a moment.

"I'm glad you took me as your own. I'm blessed to join your family. "

"You were just a kid back then who cries a lot. Susan would tell me stories about you. How the music of violin soothes your weary ears. Now go! Enjoy the night!" Her mother cupped her cheeks and headed towards the kitchen. Isabel sighed, leaned her head again, and took a last glimpse on the setting sun.

There's something about the way violin sings that set my heart into the deepest of my memories. I remember my childhood friends back from the orphanage. The way we hid and climb the ladder up to the attic just to listen for someone to play his violin. I was just a kid, a girl who longs for parents love and only, just by listening to this older kid play secretly in the attic calms my wounded heart.


Tristan paved his way into the recital hall, glancing at the crumpled ticket on his palm. Susan's sick. Oh that woman, I should have stayed and take care of her. She could be stubborn sometimes. He kept on muttering things on how Susan persuaded him to attend this recital.

He couldn't careless.

He dragged himself through the crowded seats and finally found one on the middle. Bored, he glanced around, finding something interesting. He glimpsed someone though, two ladies taking a seat 3 rows in front of him. He doesn't know why his eyes kept going back at their direction. He sat motionless, but his gaze were glued on the ladies in front.

Suddenly, the sound of instruments boomed the auditorium, and Tristan found himself alive as his body jerked up. He tried not to doze off in the middle of the recital, he nearly jumped off his seat as his leg pocket vibrated.


Tristan noticed the heating glares of the people around him, so he gave them an awkward smile and bolted out of the auditorium.

Missed call.

Slightly embarrassed, for making a scene a while ago and delaying his answer to sick Susan's call, he then heaved a deep sigh of disappointment.

"Damn world." He muttered as he slowly opened the auditorium's big doors again. Just as he stepped forward into the big hall, and just as his eyes spotted the young man above the stage playing the violin, he felt something strange, a click.

Time seemed to turn slow. Numbness took position of him as his grip onto the door knob tightened. He stumbled a little as his body leaned forward on the door, trembling. "Are you going in?" A man behind him boomed and pushed Tristan aside.

His attention went to the young man again playing the violin, but the same man who entered stopped, covering Tristan's view. The man spun around and squinted his eyes upon seeing him.

"Excuse me?" Tristan choked. "Can you move? I'm going back to my-"

The man looked as if he'd seen a ghost, gazing at Tristan's face for a moment. A sudden discomfort slithered up Tristan's spine as the man leaned forward to whisper the words.

"Finally. I found you."

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