Chapter 1

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Jooheon sat at the police station as he waited to be release. The police has misunderstood the information but somehow he still have to pay the citation.

After a while, the police releases him as he went out. He was greeted by the lady that's at the house. He assumed that she's the new tenant.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were some bad guy or something." Jooheon squinched his eyes and scoffed. The girl was confused to why he acted this way.

"Yah! It doesn't mean that I'm bad when I don't pay the citation." The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Jooheon went to his motorcycle and held his helmet.

"You broke the law. That's wrong. And you haven't pay it for 8 months." Jooheon laughed hearing her words. To be honest, he should've been in jail for a few weeks due to him not paying. Luckily, he saved some money.

"It's my business, not yours. Why are you so noisy?" Y/n scoffed and looked at him with disbelief. Literally, the letter was sent to her house. She didn't mean to be noisy.

"Excuse me? You're saying this is my fault?" Jooheon rolled his eyes and wore his helmet as he started the engine. He then quickly left the place.

"I wish I'll never see him again." Y/n went to her car and drove back to her house. She went inside as she took some letters left on the coffee table. She sat down and looked at it.

"Lee Jooheon"

So, that's the guy's name. Y/n looked at some more and noticed a fancy letter. She was curious and opened it.

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"Blue moon?" Y/n quickly took her phone and dialled the number that's written on the card.

"Hello, who is this?" A soft voice spoken. She looked back at the card for his name and continued to spoke.

"I've received an invitation of a party, but it's not technically mine. It's Lee Jooheon's. But, I was hoping to be able to attend it."
Y/n said as she waited for Kihyun's response.

She never been to any parties since she doesn't have much friends. Well, she have them but they're not that close. Y/n was hoping to attend the party since she's been wanting to experience partying.

"Well, then you'll be Jooheon's plus one. Is that alright for you, miss?" Y/n thought for a while. She'll have to meet that rude bastard again. But to think of it, it maybe worth it.

"Yes, it'll be fine." Y/n then asked for Jooheon's number as she planned on sending the invitation to him tomorrow and told him about her coming along.


Jooheon arrived at the tunnel as promised and was surrounded by many people. There were a few riders line up beside him. He looked forward and warmed up his engine.

He's been involving with street racing for a few years now. He's supposed to be a famous racer by now if he continued his career. Unfortunately, he got disqualified from a scandal that involved him with drugs.

Despite the truth that he's not guilty, he's sick of it and decided to quit. But, his passion for racing is still strong which is why he started racing illegally. Well, it's profitable at least.




Jooheon sped up and followed the course of the race. He's leading at the moment. He continues to sprint as he almost reach the finishing line. All he need to do is cross the road and he'll win.

But, unexpected thing happened.

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