Chapter 15

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Jooheon held the flowers in his hand and knocked on Y/n's door. Y/n opened it and was surprised by his appearance. "What are you doing here?"

Jooheon was about to speak when he heard a man spoke from the living room.  "Y/n-ah, who is it?" Y/n's figure trembled as she looked towards the person's figure.

"My friend. He passed by and dropped off the flower I bought from a shop." Y/n looked at Jooheon and gave him a sad look as she shook her head, warning him to not do anything.

Jooheon pushed Y/n aside as he went inside and was met with a man. "Who are you?" Jooheon furrowed his eyebrows as he asked him back the same question.

The man scoffed as he walked closer to Jooheon. "I'm her father. What's your business here?" He was reaching for Jooheon's collar when Y/n came in between.

"No, dad. He's just a friend." Her father looked at her and back at Jooheon. He rolled his eyes as he sat down. Y/n led Jooheon outside.

"Don't come here again. My father knows." Jooheon shook his head, disagreeing with her words. "I want to stay with you." Jooheon said as he was about to hug her.

Y/n shook her head and pushed his hand away. "No. I can't put you at risk again. I can't lose you." Y/n was about to close the door when Jooheon stopped her.

"And I can't lose you too. We can figure this out together. We can find a way." Y/n shook her head as they both stared at each other. Their eyes were glistening with tears.

"I don't know." Y/n's grip on the door loosened as her head hung low. He raised her chin to make her look at him.  "Trust me. I promise you that I won't let you down."

Jooheon pulled her into a hug for a while and loosened it. He gave her the flower and went inside. He faced with her father as he sat across him.

"I'm Lee Hojoon. Now known as Lee Jooheon." Her father looked at him nonchalantly as he raised an eyebrow. "I know that long ago, you hired someone to kill me and I'm glad that I survived."

Her father stood up. "Can you tell me what's the point of me listening to you?" Jooheon gave him a small smile. "I just wanted to tell you that what you did to your daughter is wrong. You shouldn't control her life. She knows what to do and what not to. She's an adult now."

Her father looked at him blankly. "And why am I supposed to listen to you?" Jooheon stood up as well. "Because she deserves a great father who cares for her."

"She knows that you're just being overprotective. But, it hurts her. You know that don't you?" Her father glared at him as he took a step near Jooheon.

"You're the one that influence my daughter, aren't you?" Jooheon shrugged. "Maybe not me, but you?" Her father grabbed his collar. "You know nothing about me."

"But, I do."

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