Chapter 16

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Her father froze as he turned around and faced the owner of the voice, non other than his own daughter, Y/n. "You.. " Her father looked at her, dissapointed.

Y/n walked closer towards them as she held her father's hand, slowly removing it from Jooheon's collar. "I'm saying this not on his behalf, but on mine."

"I know that you're just trying to protect me. You're scared of losing me, just like how we lose mom. But, you have to put your faith in me."

"I'm an adult now. I can have my own life like how I want, whether you agree or not. I'm going to live as how I am. So stop worrying about me and think about yourself."

Her father pulled her into a hug as Y/n hugged him back. "I don't want to lose you." Y/n nodded her head. "I know. But,  it's time for you to let me go. For me to be free."

Her father loosened his hug and looked at Jooheon. Jooheon stood there still as he stared blankly at the floor. Y/n gestured her father to apologize to Jooheon.

He sighed as he turned to Jooheon. "Lee Jooheon." Jooheon's head snapped towards him. "I apologize for my mistakes."

Jooheon shrugged. "People make mistakes. I forgive you, of course. And thanks to you, I got to restart my life. I got to be a better person."

They exchanged smiles as her father took a step closer towards Jooheon and whispered. "I trust you. Take care of

He pat his back as he hugged Y/n again and left. Y/n looked at him curiously and raised an eyebrow. "What did he say to you? Did he threaten you?"

Jooheon shook his head as he smiled. Y/n pouted as she plopped herself on the couch. "Thanks to you, I've got the courage to speak up."

Jooheon shook his head as he took a seat beside her. "No. You got the courage from yourself." Y/n smiled as she leaned herself at Jooheon, resting her head on his chest. His hand wrapped around her waist.

"I don't want to ask this. But, what happened to your mother?" Y/n grinned softly as she turned around and looked at Jooheon with her hands playing with his hair.

"She cheated on him. But, my father still loves her. And then, she got into accident and passed away. That's why he's scared of letting me go."

Jooheon nodded his head and felt guilty for asking. "Don't be sorry. It's the past." Jooheon smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Can I say this to you?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows a bit as she loosened the hug and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Say it."

Jooheon smiled softly and pulled her closer as their nose touched each other.

"I love you, Y/n-ah."

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