Chapter One

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Welcome to the first chapter of my new fanfiction :)
I already posted it on AO3 and I wanted to post it on Wattpad since there is not a lot of Rammstein fanfictions here 😅

Enjoy ^^



    10th of January 1993

    A little boy named Wolfgang was born in a little house in Berlin. No one knew his mother’s name. All we knew was that he never left the house and saw the world.


    Wolfgang was now three. He had black hair, blue eyes and pointy teeth. He was on the floor, waiting for his mother to feed him. He was really hungry, but he couldn’t make himself food. He sat up on his little legs and walked slowly to the kitchen. There was music blasting of the radio. He only understood the word ‘Rammstein’. Because of the music, he couldn’t hear if his mother was here or not. He didn’t have a father; he was only raised by his mom, well, when she was here. She often left the house, leaving little Wolfgang alone by himself, and she would come back acting like nothing had happened. Sometimes she would give Wolfgang a fruit and that was all.

    He felt his little stomach growl in hunger. “Mommy?” He called with his weak voice. No answer. The little boy sighed and sat down on the dirty kitchen floor, listening to the music. It was loud, but he liked it. He felt his eyes closing themselves, his head slowly falling on his knees. He then drifted into a deep sleep, knowing he wouldn’t eat tonight.

    Two hours later, he felt someone shaking him. He then opened his eyes and looked up to see a man. His vision was blurry because of the tiredness. He yawned and then something hit him. He room was way hotter than usual. He rubbed his eyes his little fists and looked behind the man in horror. The house was on fire. He then looked at the man, who knelt beside him. “Okay Little man, you’re coming with me,” Wolfgang shook his head widely.

    “No! Whewre’s mummy I want my mummy!” He cried as the man took him in his arms. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he cried in fear. He felt a hand running through his hair. “No don’t touwch me!” The little boy was debating himself in the man’s arms.

    “Heyheyhey shhhh… I won’t hurt you I promise… Here take this,” the man, the firefighter cooed and gave him a cereal bar. He began to walk toward the front door. Wolfgang could see all the fire spreading into the house. He buried his head into the firefighter’s jacket, eating the bar, and waited. Soon he was in an ambulance, under a safety blanket. He wasn’t crying, but tears were rolling down his cheeks. He didn’t have a house anymore, and he didn’t know where his mother was. He sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

    “Whewre’s mummy…?” He whispered to the medic. The brown-haired woman looked at him with a sad smile.

    “Should I tell him?” She asked her colleague. The woman with black hair sighed.

    “He’s very young… But maybe we can try,” she turned toward the little boy and sat down in front of him. “Hello little one, I’m Sheila. Can you give me your name?” She asked him. The toddler sniffled.

    “I’m Wolfgang…” He whispered, looking down at his feet. Sheila nodded and took Wolfgang’s little hands in hers.

    “Nice to meet you Wolfgang,” she looked at her colleague; she gave her an approving nod. She then turned her head toward Wolfgang, ready to tell him, “I assume you want to know where your mommy is, right?” Wolfgang nodded, looking up at her. She squeezed his hands, “You see, your mother went up there. Do you know what it is?” Wolfgang felt his heart stop. Of course he knew what it was. She was dead, and he wouldn’t see him ever again. He just looked down and stared blankly at the floor. He couldn’t speak. He was numb. He couldn’t hear what Sheila what telling him. He was lost in his thought. He felt his body shaken. He couldn’t care. He just felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He was soon engulfed into a hug by Sheila. He didn’t hug back, he just stayed frozen. Tiredness took the best of him and he fell asleep.

    “So, what happened?” A male voice said.

    “Shhhhh you’ll wake him up,” Another male voice said.

    “Ok ok sorry. So?” There was a sigh.

    “His mother burnt down the house, she stayed in. She killed herself man…” A gasp could be heard.

    “But… The little boy here…”

    “Yeah it’s her son. It’s horrible. According to the witnesses, he had never left the house. He stayed locked in that trash for three years, his whole life.”

    “Oh my god… That’s so horrible… Does he have a father? Or a family member who can take care of him?”

    “I’m afraid not… We’ll have to take him to the adoption center. He deserves to be in a good family.”

    “Yeah. Do you think we should wake him up?”

    “No. He deserves to sleep well. We’ll just carry him into the car and lead him to the center. What do you think?”

    “Yeah that’s a good idea, let’s go.”

    Wolfgang, who heard the whole conversation, let the man carrying him into the police car. He knew he had to sleep, he really needed it.

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