Chapter Nine

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    The last day of German high school was horrible for Wolfgang. He stayed with Jakob the whole day, as always, but this time with a heavy feeling on his chest, "You've got my number right?" The younger asked. Wolfgang nodded, looking down.

     "Of course I have it, I'll call you, I promise," Jakob smiled and hugged his best friend as the last bell rang. They had to go.

     "I'll miss you so much," Jakob muttered. Wolfgang felt tears in his eyes. It's been a long time since he felt this sad for someone.

     "I-I'll miss you too," Wolfgang managed to say in a broken voice.

     "Oh don't cry, or I'll cry too," Jakob hugged him more tight. Wolfgang chuckled.

     "Oh sorry," Jakob chuckled too, understanding.

     Ten meters away from them, Doom and Richard were watching the boys.

     "I feel guilty for Wolfgang, Jakob is his only friend and he has to leave him because of us," Richard said. Schneider sighed.

     "We don't really have the choice, but I understand you, it will be really hard for him... Should we go get him?" He wasn't sure about what to do. Richard shrugged.

     "I don't know... I mean, they obviously don't want to leave each other," the guitarist pointed at them.

     He was right. The two boys were still hugging, nearly crying, "Can we go somewhere else, I-I have to talk to you about something," Jakob asked. Since they didn't leave the schoolyard they went to the bathroom.

     "Where are they going?" Richard asked.

     "I don't know."

     The boys where now hidden in the bathroom. Jakob was wiping his tears away but they kept rolling down his cheeks. Wolfgang put his hand on Jakob's cheeks, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. He wasn't thinking, he just wanted to help his best friend, "It will be okay Jakob, I'll text you every day," Jakob sniffed and looked up at Wolfgang.

     "You better do," Jakob let out a small chuckle, still half crying. Wolfgang smiled slightly and looked into Jakob's blue eyes. They stared into each other's eyes, not knowing what to do. Wolfgang leaned in, without thinking, and his lips found Jakob's. He didn't dare to move. He felt a pang of relief when he felt Jakob kiss back. Jakob's hand found themselves on Wolfgang's nape of the neck, stroking it with his thumbs. They kissed until they were out breath, before pulling away, "I-I..."

     "I wanted to talk to you about that, but you were faster than me," Jakob smiled nervously. Wolfgang was confused.


     "I'm in love with you," Jakob said. Wolfgang was frozen on his spot. He had a lot of troubles feeling emotions. He looked into Jakob's blue eyes and studied him again, like he did in Kindergarten. He wasn't lying; he was really in love with Wolfgang. The older boy didn't know what to think, his mental state wasn't really good for decisions. But he'd kissed him. He was the first one to lean in and kiss him; Jakob only had to kiss back. Why did he do that in the first place? Because he loved him. He could see the panic into Jakob's eyes, pleading to say something.

    'I hope you're aware that he's lying, that he's just saying that because you're leaving,' his mind had of course to disturb the boy. He frowned, making Jakob gasp quietly, 'He's not lying. I observed him, he's telling the truth,' he argued against his mind, 'Yeah but you know that you aren't able to love someone in that way. You never feel anything toward people, you just use them like they use you,' his thoughts were becoming crueler. The boy cringed, making Jakob panic. The poor boy could only watch Wolfgang dealing with his horrible thoughts.

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