Chapter Four

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    ~~Two weeks later~~

    The band was recording their new song, Bück Dich, way too explicit for the little boy who had to stay in the kitchen with Flake. Wolfgang was happily sucking on a lollipop while sitting on Flake’s lap. Flake didn’t mind the boy. He liked him, and Wolfgang liked him as well, so everything was fine. The boy hadn’t said a word yet. His parents where quite worried but they knew he needed time, “Flake you can go record your part, I’ll take care of Wolfgang, if he lets me,” Till said, chuckling nervously.

    “He just needs to get used to you don’t worry about that,” Flake smiled and put Wolfgang on the table, who seemed afraid of Till, as always. He then sat up and pecked Till on the lips before walking out of the kitchen. Wolfgang didn’t move at all, not wanting to attract Scary Till’s attention, but he knew that would be useless since they were the only one left in the room.

    “Come on Wolfgang, I’m not gonna hurt you. I swear,” Till sat onto the chair where was Flake at first and looked at the little boy. The little boy was against the wall of the kitchen, still on the table, and observed him. Every move he made was analyzed by Wolfgang, and Till noticed it. He grabbed a glass of water, knowing it would be long, “I can sing you something if you want, I’m not a meanie,” Till smiled. He tried to use children words even if Wolfgang didn’t speak, “Your Dad told me you were fan of us, is that right?” He asked. Wolfgang smiled slightly and nodded. Till was happy when he saw the little boy smile at him, it was a good beginning.



    Wolfgang was drawing a little doodle on a paper as he was listening to the radio of the adoption center. He couldn’t concentrate on his drawing since he was headbanging along the music, “Do you like the music Wolfgang?” Anna said as she walked toward the little boy. He nodded happily as he continued to headbang. Anna chuckled and sat down next to Wolfgang, “Who is singing that?” She asked, expecting him to talk. Wolfgang smiled and pointed the little doodle he drew. It was the Rammstein logo. Anna sighed, this was too explicit for him, he wasn’t old enough to listen to this, “Wolfgang how many times I told you to not listen to that? You’re too young,” she seemed angry. Wolfgang sighed; he really liked this band and their song, especially Seemann since it helped him to sleep but his favorite was Du riechst so gut for sure. Suddenly the music changed, turning into pop. Wolfgang frowned and looked at Anna. She had changed the station, “It’s better for you,” she said and other children came when they heard the music, “You see? That’s real music, everyone loves it.”

    ‘But I don’t, this one is lame, Rammstein’s better,’ Wolfgang wanted to say but knew he couldn’t make the others understand him. He sighed, took his doodle and left the room. He walked to the dormitory and hid his paper into his drawer, where all of his drawings were hidden from the others. No one understood him, no one understood why he only listened to metal, or didn’t talk by the way. Some kids had made fun of him of course, but it was only one time and Anna had come to rescue him and punish the mean kids. He really hoped that he could go into a better place, with Anna, and where he could be himself and listen to Rammstein.

    ~~End of flashback~~

    “Do you have a favorite song from us?” Till asked. Wolfgang snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Scary Till, who wasn’t that scary anymore but still. He nodded and took a pen and began to draw. He didn’t know how to write yet, but he drew a lot. He tried to draw a flower and making it smell good. It was quite hard to represent it. He showed it to Till and the man frowned, “Uhh… I don’t really get it… A flower? That’s on the cover yeah? Herzeleid?” He tried and Wolfgang shook his head. He understood he couldn’t represent what he wanted to say. He sighed and shifted closer to Till and sniffed him and then smiled. Till frowned before understanding, “Ohh Du riechst so gut! Is that it?” Wolfgang smiled and nodded, “Okay I get it now. Well good choice little munchkin, it’s one of my favorite too,” Wolfgang smiled and hugged Till. The singer was surprised at first but hugged the little boy back. He felt really happy, knowing that the child wasn’t scared of him anymore, “See, I’m not scary,” he chuckled and Wolfgang did too.

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