Chapter Eleven

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    “Uh… What do you mean?” Wolfgang asked. Damn, he recognized them.

    “Come on you think I’m that dumb? I recognized your Dad, he’s Richard Kruspe, and he called the other man Doom, and Doom is the drummer! But I don’t get it, if Richard is your Dad, why isn’t your name Kruspe? Why do you have the drummer’s name?” Recker explained. Wolfgang was fucked. What could he say?

    “Um… We’ll wait for Doom alright?” He proposed. Recker nodded.

    “Yeah,” he answered and Jason sat up.

    “I have to go I’m sorry, homework and all,” The other two nodded and Jason left. They were now alone.

    “Well… I could give you a tour of the house if you want,” Wolfgang said and Recker nodded. They did the entire house until they reached the music room.

    “Oh my God this is heaven!” Recker exclaimed, “We should play together sometimes. What do you think?” Recker was excited. Wolfgang nodded, smiling

    “Yeah that would be cool, do you want to do a song? Guitars are tuned,” Wolfgang offered. Recker nodded and soon they were thinking of a song to play.

    “What about a Rammstein song?” Recker suggested, “I can’t sing in German by the way,” he chuckled and Wolfgang did too.

    “I can, which song?” He asked.

    “What about Ich Will?” The younger boy suggested. Wolfgang nodded.

    “Hell yeah!”

    The boys had done like a mini concert to themselves. They had a lot of fun.

    “You should both create a band,” Schneider’s voice surprised them. Wolfgang scratched the back of his head.

    “You think?” Schneider and even Recker nodded.

    “That would be so cool! Don’t you get it? Making our own music, and then maybe doing shows!” Recker was excited.

    “See son? You should,” Recker frowned as Schneider talked.

     “Damn I get it…” Recker muttered and looked at Schneider, “You’re Wolfgang’s dad… But…” Schneider gulped. Welp the boy was smart.

     “Um yeah… I’m Wolfgang’s dad,” Christoph said.

    “But the man who opened the door said he was his dad,” Recker wanted to prove his theory.

    “Can I tell him?” Wolfgang asked in German so Recker wouldn’t understand.

    “Does he know about…?”

    “Yeah, he recognized you both. He’s just not sure about who my dad between the two of you. But I’m sure he figured it out,” Schneider sighed. Recker was so confused because he didn’t understand a word that was told.

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