Chapter Ten

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    Wolfgang was waiting for Recker in the living room. He watched TV while his Dad went to work and his Daddy was still sleeping. He sat up when he heard the bell ring, and went to the door, “Hey,” Recker waved at him.

    “Hey, what’s up?” Wolfgang smiled.

    “Nothing much. Shall we go?” Wolfgang nodded.

    “Yeah, I follow you,” he answered and they were now walking in the streets of Phoenix. There were a lot of people. They stopped in front of a shop.

    “This is the best music shop of the city, you’ll find everything you want,” Recker said.

    Wolfgang was amazed by the city. It was huge. He saw the school where he would go, the same as Recker. They hoped they would be in the same class. He met Recker’s friend, Jason. He was nice. They went to the movies. Wolfgang discovered the American movies, with super heroes and all. He didn’t really watch movies in Germany, he preferred music. He discovered the American music too. He liked Green Day, it was cool. Not a lot of thing was like Germany, but he knew he could adapt himself to this.

    “What do you think of Phoenix?” Recker asked as they were going home.

    “It’s cool, I like it. It’s definitely not like Berlin but it’s still great,” Wolfgang answered.

    “Well I’m glad you like it.”

    The boys went home and Wolfgang found his dads in the kitchen.

    “Well, since you’re here son, let’s eat,” Doom said proudly. Wolfgang knew his daddy had been watching cooking shows again.

    “Schneider please don’t poison us,” Richard was laughing. Wolfgang did too and sat the dining table. They ate a quiche, it was good, “Well I guess you should make us this more often,” Richard proposed his boyfriend. Christoph felt proud.

    “Oh if you want! It’s so easy to do it,” it wasn’t. The drummer had nearly burnt the kitchen down, broke an egg on the floor, slipped on it when he tried to clean up his mess, and finally burnt his hand with the oven. But of course no one, excepted him, knew that.

    Soon the dinner ended and Wolfgang went into his bedroom to read a little.


    1st September 2005

    Wolfgang was waiting for the bus to come. It was his first day in an American school and he was anxious. He knew he wouldn’t understand everything and that scared him because he didn’t want to get bad grades. His anxiety faded away a little when he saw Recker coming to the bus stop, “Hey Reck,” he said.

    “Hey Wolf, how are you?” The younger asked, “Not too anxious?” Wolfgang scratched the back of his head.

    “I am, I’m scared that I won’t understand anything,” he looked down. Recker smiled and put his hand on his shoulder.

    “Don’t worry, I’m sure the teachers will understand, they’re used of foreign students,” Recker reassured the boy. He felt less anxious but still a little.

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