Chapter Fourteen

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So this is the final chapter of this fic, it was really great to write it.
I got a bit emotional when i finished to write this part because it was the end.
As you can see I didn't put a lot of details in the story, it's because I want to do one shots based on this story. ONLY BY REQUESTS because I don't really have idea ^^' sorry
Anyway I'm finished with my speech, see ya !


    Recker froze and then smiled, “When?” he asked.

    “Right after the end of classes. Like, we get our degrees and go to the party, and then the next day we leave! We’ll go in Japan first and then Europe. We’ll tour in America next year!” They hugged each other tightly. They were so happy that their album worked well enough to go touring.

    They studied hard to get their degree in art and music. They needed to get it. They would spend all the days working and testing each other. They practiced too, since they had to be ready, “We should get a bassist, at least just for the tour,” Recker said as they were working on a school project. Wolfgang froze. He was right. Wolfgang did the bass parts but he couldn’t do it on stage. An idea popped in his mind.

    “Since the tour is not very long, like five months, maybe Oli can be our bassist,” he proposed. Recker was taken aback.

    “Y-You think he would come with us?” Recker was amazed. Touring with Rammstein’s bassist... Wolfgang shrugged.

    “I’ll ask him,” he pulled out his phone and called Oliver.

    “Hello?” The bassist voice echoed from the phone.

    “Hey Oli, how are you?” Wolfgang asked, happy to talk to him since it’s been a while they did.

    “Oh hey Wolfy, I’m good I’m good, what’s up?” Oliver sounded happy too.

    “Oh well nothing much, just studying hard. I have something to ask you,” Wolfgang was quite anxious.

    “Oh yeah? What is it?” Wolfgang gulped.

    “Well… Recker and I are going on tour in June, until October, and uh… We don’t have a bassist… So uh… You think you…?” Wolfgang trailed off.

    “Well yeah, that would be cool,” Oliver agreed, “I’m never against touring, and if it’s with you it will change from the others eh?” The bassist chuckled and Wolfgang did too.

    “Yeah we’re not a lot, so is it okay?” He asked, to be really sure.

    “Yeah it’s okay, I’ll come with you,” Oliver reassured his nephew.

    “Oh thank you so much Oli, you’re saving us!” Wolfgang was so thankful. He would repay him one day for sure.

    “You’re welcome Wolfy, it’s a pleasure. Now go study yeah? Keep having good grades and all,” Oliver chuckled.

    “Yeah yeah don’t worry, thank you again,” Wolfgang answered.

    “Don’t worry about that, we’ll see each other on the next break alright?”

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