Chapter Eight

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    ~~Bigggg timeskip~~

     15th February 2001

     Wolfgang was now 8 years old and the tour was finally over. Wolfgang had grown up a lot and was a lot more mature. He already played drums very well, since he started at five alone when he was waiting for his Daddy. He was good at guitar too, and a little more at bass. His black hair had grown out, it was a mess but he liked it so kept it like that. The band had already recorded their new album called Mutter. It reminded the boy his mother that he tried to forget. He had sighed when they showed him the album prototype, trying to hide the reason of why he had sighed to his Dads.

     "Wolfgang?" His Daddy knocked on the door of his bedroom. Wolfgang put his pen down and let his Daddy enter.


     "We are going on tour again, but this time it will be much shorter," Schneider was afraid of his son's reaction. Wolfgang stayed numb. He didn't really care anymore.

     "Okay," he answered and went back to his German homework. Doom frowned.

     "Um... It doesn't matter to you?" He asked.

     "No why?" Schneider was lost. He didn't understand Wolfgang's reaction, and why he seemed like he didn't care.

     "Nothing... Well... I'll call you for dinner," the drummer left the bedroom and went to Richard, really worried, "Richard I think we have a problem," the guitarist stopped reading his book to look at his boyfriend.

     "What is it?"

     "You see, when I talked to Wolfgang that we would leave again, he didn't care. He didn't have any reaction," Richard sighed.

     "I think he's really used of us not being here, and that's absolutely not good. Since the tour is quite short, I think we can bring him with us, what do you think?" Richard proposed.

     "I'll ask Till about that, maybe that's the better. Wolfgang grew up a lot when we weren't here, it's like we don't know him anymore..." Schneider was close to tears.

     "To be honest we didn't really know completely at all, we always discovered things about him, but I understand what you mean, and we have to do something," Richard explained and then sat up to hug his boyfriend, "Don't cry Love, we'll do something," he reassured the drummer. Since they were alone in the flat, Wolfgang had heard everything. He felt guilty again. He sighed and continued his homework, as best as he could.

     One hour later his Dad came to him, "Hey Bud, can I talk to you?" Wolfgang nodded and joined his Dad on his bed, "Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us for his tour, since you're old enough," Wolfgang smiled widely, feeling a lot happier than before.

     "Really? I can come with you all?" He asked excitedly. Richard nodded.

     "Of course, if you want to."

     "I would love to! Thank you!" He hugged his Dad, something he hadn't down for a long time. Richard hugged his son tightly, not wanting to let him go. His child was everything for him, and losing him would be devastating.

     "Then you're coming with us," Richard chuckled, enjoying this moment.

     On the other hand Schneider was asking Till if his son could come with them, "Well if you want, but I'm not sure he'll be able to go on stage, with the pyros and all," Schneider shook his head.

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