Chapter Three

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    Wolfgang was amazed. The building was very big. He’d never seen a building like that. They walked in the lift, it was weird. They after entered in the flat. Fortunately, the other members of Rammstein had gone to the pub so they were alone and the little boy wouldn’t be too scared, “See Wolfgang? This is your new home. Wanna go to your room?” Richard asked. Wolfgang’s eyes lit up and nodded. Richard chuckled and kissed his little forehead. “Let’s go then,” they walked though the big living room and the corridor where all the bedrooms where, to find Wolfgang’s. It was painted with light blue paint, a playing carpet with roads and house on it, a little white bed with I little night table, a little desk, a commode where all his toys were, a cupboard with his clothes, and a mountain of plushies. Wolfgang was in heaven. Richard put him on the floor and knelt next to him. “What do you think? Do you like it?” Wolfgang smiled, showing his little teeth, and nodded. He shyly walked into the room, looking around him. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to make the wrong move. He just stood in the middle of his bedroom.

    “So?” Schneider’s voice could be heard from the corridor, the sound of his steps approaching the bedroom, “Does he like it?” Richard, who was now sitting on the floor against the wall, shrugged.

    “He does, but look, he won’t move or anything,” that worried the drummer.

     “Oh…” He took a deep breath. “Wolfgang dear,” he called and the little boy turned toward him, “Do you want to play with your toys?” He asked softly. Wolfgang stayed still. He really didn’t want to make the wrong move. Nodding and then bother his dads? Or shaking his head and disappoint them? He couldn’t choose. Wolfgang was frustrated. He felt tears of frustration filling his eyes as he was looking at his Daddy. Christoph’s and Richard’s hearts dropped and went toward the little boy and took him onto their lap, “It’s okay Wolfy, you’re okay,” the drummer cooed as he rubbed his back. Wolfgang sniffled, burying his head into his Dad’s sweater.

    “Do you want to eat something?” Richard asked and Wolfgang nodded, he was really hungry, “Fine, let’s go eat then,” they all sat up, Wolfgang still in his Dad’s arms, and went into the kitchen. They sat Wolfgang down onto the counter and then made him food. Wolfgang was very thankful. He couldn’t really show it, but he thought of it hard. His mother wouldn’t have made him food like that.

    “Hey Reesh, I’m glad the others went out. At least they saved us a little of food,” Schneider chuckled and Richard joined him.

    “Yeah Doom, and Wolfy’s not scared. I just hope they’ll be nice to him, and of course, that they won’t make fun of him because he doesn’t want to talk,” Richard sounded worried. The drummer awed at him and kissed his cheek, making him and Wolfgang smile, because the little boy was watching them. He really liked the fact that they both were happy and that they showed their affection toward each other. The ambiance was happy, and that made Wolfgang feel safe.

    “Don’t worry, they won’t say anything, or I’ll kill them myself,” Richard chuckled.

    “Yeah that’s right. Maybe Flake but good luck for the other two. Till wouldn’t give you any chances,” Doom rolled his eyes but chuckled too.

    “You’re not wrong; he could kill me if he wanted to. I won’t try then,” He answered. Soon the food was ready and Wolfgang was eating peacefully is chicken nuggets. He found it delicious, “Do you like it?” His Daddy asked. Wolfgang happily nodded and continued to eat. His dads were looking at him, smiling. They had now a son, and they’d do anything for him. Once he finished, he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

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