A day with Ikon

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Tati pov

Oppa told me to wait at the karaoke studio we want to the other day. I started to get impatient. I called his phone. Yah where are you I asked. Turn around he said. I turned. Ohh your right there I see you I pointing at him. He hung up. Hello I said bowing to the group of guys. I smiled brightly at him.

Let's go he said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Arcade I yelled rushing in. I was winning against short oppa. He gets angry when I call him that. I win again I yelled jumping up and down.

I let you he declared. No you didn't he didn't I argued. We argue back and fourth until I was giving ice cream by jun hoe oppa. Me and bi played the dance game and I won. My skills I yelled. Next the singing game I won that too.

We all went to a small carnival. I saw this big black bear with a guitar t shirt on and a purple hat. It was so cute. I stared at it for a moment then walked away. I was pulled back by bi. Well get it for you he declared. Bobby smiled and said we got this.

Ten minutes later everyone was broke. I thought you had it I taunted. They all glare at me. I gave me man 1000 won and took the darks. I hit the board in the center three times winning the bear.

Yay I screamed hugging the large bear. If you could win why let us do it Bobby asked. I gave him big puppy dog eyes. You guys wanted to be all manly so I let you I told him forcing the group to the Ferris wheel.

Wow it's pretty I yelled. Bi was below us with my bear as his company. Jihwan and dinghyok then junhoe and yunhyeong Chang woo stayed on the ground because he was scared.

The ride stopped and we all looked down. Chang woo gave a big thumbs up and I was confused. I took a picture of the pretty scene. He lights of Seoul were pretty from this spot so high up. I could feel him move his arm.

Me being me I figured he was just stretching. The ride started to go down and I signed. So did you like it I asked getting off. He smiled again. My heart speed up and I slapped my cheek. You okay he asked. I nodded.

Bye short oppa tall oppa handsome oppa cool oppa friend oppa leader oppa dancing oppa I yelled as they left from the hotel.

Going into my room once again there was my mother. Signing I rolled my eyes going into the kitchen. Where were you she asked. Out with some friends I said not telling her they were apart of yg or shed flip out.

This came in the mail she said holding up and envelop with yg insignia on it. I stanched it from her hand and made my way into the room. I used my foot to close the door then opened it.

I smiled widely at note. I got in. Attached was my dance schedule and member profiles. Quickly I went online and bought tickets for oppas show. This would be there final show before they debut and I wanted to surprise bi oppa on his birthday and give them congratulations.

I got ready for bed when my phone rang. Hello I said in the middle of brushing my teeth. So un ladylike Bobby oppa said into the phone. I coucfhed on my tooth paste. Don't die on me he chuckled. I rinsed my mouth. Why did you call I asked hugging the bear I named Benjamin Shy Button after long thinking and consideration.

My eyes began to shut as we talked for at least 3 hours. I could here his breathing go even. My shut as I listened to him sleep.

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