Losing Members

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Tati pov

After saying goodnight to bobby i fell asleep.

I got a call from the member to come in. I skipped happily through the building people giving me weird looks. Good morning i said swinging the door open. The depressing in the room killed my wonderfull mood.


Let her leave i said. prez just expalined that jesse was leaving the company. Jesse looked at me in shock. I knew it you dont need anyone but yourself miss perfect. You sing dance and act great thats why im leaving she declared pointing finger.

My calm demeanor dissapeared i turned cold. No you and your insecurities are making you leave. I want to be in a group it sucks being alone. But unlike you i work my hardest and not give up on my team beacuse i cant deal with pressure or my insecurites. I told her the whole room went silent.

I was now in a depressed mood. Hands snake there way around my waist. Then a head was placed on my shoulder. Whats wrong bobby asked.

Ohhhh ikon yelled from behind. I smiled at there fangirling. We still had to do mix and match but this week it would just be a solo so i chose bobby as my stage partner. He was extremely excited.

We couldnt decied between the two songs. Airplanes by Bob ft hayley williams or massage by hyorin ft dok2. So we just decided on massge. I was totally in love with that song after listening to it twice.

After practice we laid on the floor. My head on his arm. He stared down at me. Smiling he kissed my lips. Ill be here for you every day until you dont want me around anymore he said.

Smiling i closed my eyes moving my head to his chest listening to his heart beat. He ran his finger through my hair.

A cough made us sit up. My brother stood their smiling like a crazy. Aww your so cute he said crushing us. Bobby i need to talk to you my brother said getting all serious. Bobby stood up and went outside after my brother.

I went over to the door listening to what they were saying. Its all taken care of you. Take care of my sister he said. The door was pulled open and i hit the floor. Wow the floors really great i said trying to cover the fact i was ease dropping. Let me tell you it wasnt really working.

My brother laughed giving me another hug then leaving. Lets go he said pulling me outside the building. He walked be back to the dorms.

He pecked my lips leaving me alone. Im back i said but it was really quiet.

Hello i said going farther into the apartment. I figured they just went out. Walking into the kitchen i got a glass of water. I paused staring at the sheet of paper on the fridge. Oppening it up my eyes skimmed over the paper. "CRASH!" the glass slipped from my hand smashing to the floor.

I sank to my knees not able to process what i just read my phone began blowing up qith text to turn on the tv.

Every channel there was ther press confrence. We the three main members of aye baby are leaving yg and wil debut as a trio under a new lable Honey said.

Why leave aye baby a reported asked. Jesse smiled saying that i could survive as a solo artist as before and that they needed to shine also. I scoffed. In every performance i put in the work i was always in the back sang most of the song took the parts they didnt want constantly blacking out from dehydration and exhaustion. I put them before myself i smiled in pain i never cried infront of them. I kept my feelings to myself never bragging or showing off. I was hiding my talents to let ther shine yet im the one always shinning.

I turned off the tv no longer wanting to see the people who betrayed me. People i trusted people i actually cared for.

I let my phone ring over and over. Most of the calls were from the president bobby and my brother. The others were from honey and ashely. I was so pissed off the only thing i could do was write.

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