Erasing You

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Tati pov

Let go I said pulling my wrist from his hand. He looked like he was seriously about to murder Kai. What's your problem I asked.
I don't want you with him he said well growled.

Rolling my eyes I scoffed. You can't tell me what to do I I said walking away. I grabbed my arm turned me then his lips met mine. His hands slide around my waist pulling me closer. The best kiss ever. Once I registered what was happening I pulled away. His forehead rested on mine.

We can't you already have someone I said. I'm not with her he said. Shaking my head I pulled away completely. I was confused.

Oppa the slutty girl yelled. We both turned. She stood there with kai just glaring at us. She stopped her heels on the floor. Coming over she slapped me.

I stood frozen. How dare something like you even get close to my oppa she said. Crazy bitch I said in English. I took a step towards her only to have bobby stand in front of her.

He was protecting her. I'll forget you and you do the same to me I said glaring at him. I could see the sadness in his eyes. Right then I wanted to give him a second chance.

The girl chuckled at me. I pushed past the both of them. Kai handed me my phone. I smiled gratefully at him before walking away. I ended up walking around all night without a jacket plus it was raining.

I was hopping it was covering the fact that I was crying. It hurt so much. I just walked and walked. The rain seemed to burn as it touch me.

I could feel the mixture of rain and sweat drip down my forehead. Suddenly I felt dizzy. I tried to keep my balance. I hit hot hard cement. Miss miss are you alright a voice said I couldn't make out the face. My eyelids felt like there were 500 pound weights on them. Then the world went black.

Bobby pov
You know you're very stupid the boy said. I know I said. My sister is infatuated with you and until she is done with you or found someone new she won't leave you alone she will follow you every where he explained.

I just nodded. Well since you don't have a chance with her anymore maybe I will he said. I was slowly losing my patience. I had him pressed up against the wall with his collar in my hand. Touch her go near her or even breathe the same air I will make sure you can't do anything without the help of someone else I growled.

He pushed off my hands laughed then walked away. Rain started to pour and I walked back into the building only to see May waiting for me. She smiled brightly.

I was seriously sick of seeing her face. Who I wanted was Tati. Her smile. Her lips. Her body. I wanted her to the point that I can live with out her. Now I just lost that chance to have all of throes things. But everyone knew may had the power to crush is all with just a few words from her dad.

But this way I would be able to keep her from harm. May acted as though she never saw me kiss Tati. She was placing all the blame on Tati and I couldn't have that. She nodded her head understanding it was a goodbye kiss.

She left and I walked into the practice room. My just laid on the center floor staring at the bright lights up above. It would be better if I stop thinking about her all together. That's what she wants I'll do what she wants. Closing my eyes I knew I was lying to myself telling myself I would forget her but I knew I wouldn't. I couldn't. It was impossible for me to just forget the girl I love.

Tati pov

My eyes opened and I frowned. The bright lights blinded me. Omma a little girl yelled causing me to cringe. Sorry she whisper putting a gunfire to her lips causing me to chuckle.

My voice came out dry and hoarse. A cup of ice cold water was placed to my lips. My throat felt instantly better. The woman with her large swollen belly. Stared at me. Are you okay miss she said. Sitting up I looked around the small room through the holes in the door I could see the ocean.

Where am I asked. She began examining to me what happened. I nodded then thanked her for her hospitality. She said I could stay with her as long as I need to.m or until I want to leave.

You could see she was obviously struggling. I nodded my plan repay her back for her hospitality. We waved as she left for work. San Ye's stomach growled in hunger. She didn't bother saying anything she went back to her school work.

Going into the kitchen I stared at the bare fridge. Sunny I said calling her by her new nick name. She poked her head from around the corner. I held up my phone then smiled widely.

Come on bro I need the break I said leaning on the car as sunny played in the sand. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He ruffled my hair and threw me the keys. In America I am old enough to drive in Korea I'm not but who said this was my car.

Thanks bro tell president I'll be back in a week I yelled waving him off with my credit card in hand plus a large duffel bag filled with cash.

Wondering where he gets all this money. He own multi million dollar business even though he doesn't look like he would. Let's go I said. First I took her shopping then we went to a phone stairs. What color I asked her. Even though she was small I got her a phone in case of an emergency. She smiled widely. Next we went to the store to get food. We had four baskets full. I got a text from my brother saying the house was ready.

After shoving all the bags in the car. Sunny say in my lap asleep. We pulled back up to the small house where. Soul bi was walking down the street. She looked at us. Then the large truck.

She looked at me weirdly. Let's get going I said. She just nodded. The movers began placing things from her house into the truck. I placed the car keys in her hand and set sunny in her seat.

What's going on she asked stopping the car in the drive way. Getting out the car. Sunny instantly rushed inside the house. I helped her up the steps then said welcome home.

She burst into tears. My brother patted my head. Seul bi was crushing me with her pregnant woman strength. she pulled away. Mommy look sunny yelled dragging her into her room where her room was made to fit her personality.

Sunny fell asleep on the table from to much excitement. The movers and maid fished setting items down then put the groceries away. On the table I set down the papers and a seal. This is yours I said.

No no I can't this she said its to much she finished. I smiled and said you deserve and pregnant people shouldn't be walking 5 miles to work I said. She started crying again.

Ohh come on don't cry I said fanning my eyeballs. She signed the papers. After telling her about the inheritance I will be giving my new siblings she almost fainted.

I helped her to her room where she slept. I have such a wonderful sister my brother said kicking the sand lightly. I l Abe's into his shoulder. Then all my pain and heartache melted away. I just needed sometime to think.

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