Beginings of a Debuter?

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Tati pov

After two days of sulking i took a shower a d got dressed. I was ready to show them what it meant to shine. I put on my raybands then leaving the building. Outside i was instantly attacked by cameras. The security i didnt wven know what was there was helping me through to the car.

I acted like they didnt exist. I held that happy smile on my face smiling. Everyone gave me a look of pitty but i ignored it. Going into the president office he stared at me. I stared back blinking. So those lakers i said in english. Its staring to become. A habit again but that is my native language.

I took a juice from his desk drinking it. Im debuting you he said and i started coughing ok my juice. Your serious right i said staring up at him. My english was staring to take over and my honorifics dropped. He smiled knowing it wasnt going away any time soon.

He handed me a stack of papers. I script and song lyrics. Your going to be trying out for this role so prepare and go to the studio to record today and tommorow. After that we will get you a new dorm and hair style.

I nodded standing up leaving the room. Studio i sang walking in. Yo i said plopping into the spinny chair grabbing the lyrics.

The song was called peacock. It wasnt like most girl groups or solo artist were they start off all cutesy and sweet yelling oppa every five seconds this one was more me.

I made my way into the recording studio. Ready i yelled giving a thumbs up.
I honestly didnt think i would get all the lyrics the first time but i did. Next time was all the ad libs. I didnt do much. Well it didnt seem like much to me. Okay oppa said i took of the headphones skipping into the room pausing mid skip as ikon stood infront of me.

Hey i said waving. Bobby came wrapping his arms around me. Yah dont they yelled covering there eyes. I just giggled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Thats all i asked. Yup he said bue i waved. I want food i said whinning to the guys. Ji hwan pushed my face away. So it doesnt work anymore i mumbled. It works just not on me he said.

I scruched my nose at him. He stuck his tongue at me. Shorty i said hiding behind junhoe. He grabbed me putting me into a headlock measing up my hair. Bobby pulled us apart.

The whole way there we argued. Cameras following us but did i care. Nah~~~~~~~.

I stared at the meat in complete hunger. I havent eaten for two days. At that time i was in depression mode. I growled at whoevers hand went for the meat. Slowly they pulled away.

You have to share they whinned reaching and i just smiled creepily at them. If you dont want to lose that hand move it i smiled at them. Thats how i won the meat war.

Oppa i yelled jumping into bobby's back. He seemed unfased by my actions. I stole his hat playing with his hair. The sound of camera close clicks kept annoying me so we went to karoake.

I dont care eh eh eh eh eh i dont care eh eh eh eh eh boy i dont care i sang. Posing the guys laughed at us. We spilt up into teams.

100% i yelled rubbing it in there faces it was singers againt rappers. Obviously we were winning. They began singing tears and i laughed so hard my sides were in pain. I crept out of the room to use the bathroom.

I skipped through the halls haplily. I paused backing up only to see kai and crazy chick is my new name for her. Going back into the room. I said i dont feel well and bobby and the guys agreed to take me home.

They figured something was wrong when i went into ninja stealth mode. I rolled then gave the the signal to come after me. I motioned for an army crawl but no one knew what meant i had to show them.

Do they not watch ninja movies or army movies. Rolling my eyes i was the last to go. Kai spotted me and i motioned for him to stay silent. He motioned for me to call him i nodded then kept crawling. Lets go i whisper pushing them out the door.

Wow im great i said bwfore saying by and making my back to my large empty apartment all by myself.

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