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Mina focused

Mina lived a perfect life, from birth to the present day. Every royal looked up to her I mean who wouldn't.

She's pretty but not one to brag most humble down to earth person. She doesn't talk back to her parents and is perfect at first glance.

Plus she was kind of a perfectionist, excelled at horse hack riding at the tender age of 12, learned to play 6 different instruments by 13, gets straight A and effortlessly gains new skills with minimal trying.

To call her a role model would be saying the least.

"I'm here!" A smaller girl shouted and sat down. Mina carefully viewed as She sat down panting relentlessly.

Mina's eyes roamed Chaeyoung's body vigorously. Her beautiful long curly black hair fell toward into her shoulder, Chaeyoung was with no doubt a beauty, her eyes were sparkling as if they were telling a story, her lips were of a light blush color accented by her mole that fell short underneath.

Her dress was casual but she made it look that much more gorgeous, it wasn't revealing but showed the most modest amount of cleavage and a little bit of her defined collar bone. "My apologies for have her arrive late"the lady that accompanied Chaeyoung bowed and smiled. Mina just assumed she was a maid.

Mina watched as Chaeyoung dipped under the table probably to put on the shoes she was carrying earlier, when she finished Chaeyoung's eyes met with Mina's own curious pair, Her eyes were now more attractive.

"Nice to meet you Chaeyoung," Mina answered politely "Uh well I guess it's nice to meet you too..."

"Mina. Myoui Mina"

"Yeah Mina great can we eat I'm starving," Chaeyoung responded "Sure eat up it took a while to prepare please enjoy Mina" Chaeyoung's mom replied "I will"

After everyone was finished picking out their food Chaeyoung noticed something "The salad is finished," Chaeyoung said annoyed, "Oh that's okay-" Her mother said but was cut off "Hire more adequate staff mom it's quite upsetting when people don't do their jobs" Chaeyoung yapped on about "it's just salad a lot of people don't have food" Mina stood up for the maids saying "The point was just to ask for people to work accordingly is that too much to ask?" Chaeyoung fired back.

"Well there's more I could get more Chaeyoung calm down" The girl beside her said "it's fine Jihyo nevermind"

The maid proceeded over to pour the drink into their glasses Chaeyoung was last to receive when she did the mad shook out of her fear of Chaeyoung and accidentally slipped the drink on Chaeyoung's leg.

This enraged Chaeyoung from the look on her face Mina knew it was over for the maid. Chaeyoung dramatically screamed nearly destroying all the glasses in the room. The maid looked panicked and was fidgeting so Mina excused her before Chaeyoung went off on her.

"You have no right to do that why would you give her pardon after purposefully spilled it on me" Chaeyoung complained

"Sorry my daughter is a bit much"

Mina smiled and pulled a handkerchief. She stood up and went over the Chaeyoung seat, kneeling on the to wipe her leg.

"It's not on your dress it's no big deal don't lash out so much," Mina said wiping the juice from Chaeyoung's bare leg.

"You seem to have a problem with me Ms. Mina" Chaeyoung pointed out "No I just think you are an overly privileged spoilt kid"

"That's basically your life in a nutshell," Chaeyoung says

"Yes of course but I'm decent and not a douche though," Mina said and got up to return to her seat.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and scoffed pouting at her mash potatoes. "You'd be good if you weren't internally ugly," Mina said "I don't appreciate your attitude, Ms. Mina. I'd like to just eat in peace and be excused"

Dinner was rather silent Chaeyoung's parents were visibly uncomfortable and apologetic for her behavior. Her dad wasn't a talkative person he just observed mostly and seems to space out quite often.

Mina had been shown to her room immediately after, her luggage sat patiently waiting for her when she arrived.

It was right across from Chaeyoung, she had one last glance at Chaeyoung before the younger girl slammed her door with a rather pissed off expression.

Mina took in the new feel of her room, she didn't like it but she sucked it up the feel of royalty wasn't her style she liked simplicity. The overly exaggerated statues and vases didn't help much.

There's nothing much to do in her room and it was a little too stifling despite being big. Mina changed into her black sweater and black sweatpants to match. Mina walked along the castle corridor and looked around peeking in every room, eventually, she made it to the kitchen, it was already night and everyone retired to bed. Mina flicked on the kitchen lights.

There was a pink curly-haired girl sitting on the counter eating a sandwich. Mina looked at her completely confused, then turned away, look back again and switched off the lights "I must be really tired" Mina said shaking her head.

"I'm Sana," a voice said.

Mina turned on the lights again "I am crazy..." Mina whispered in Japanese "I can assure you you're not" Sana replied back in Japanese.

Mina pointed at Sana and whispered "She speaks Japanese must be a figure of my imagination"

"I'm Sana just Sana, not your imagination"

"What are you doing here though...Sana"

"I'm Chaeyoung's older much attractive cousin, you must be Mina"

"I am..."

"I'm from Japan too, Osaka me and my sister Momo she's sleeping It's nice to have a new Japanese friend"

"Why weren't you at dinner?"

"We went out to give you space and one on one time with Chaeyoung, just came back from Japan yesterday in the afternoon I miss it"

"Me too,I miss Japan already," Mina said opening her bottle of water "I hate that feeling of missing something so much, but I still love it cause when I'm away I appreciate it more never really knew how much I loved being there until I'm here don't get me wrong Korea is nice you know...." Sana said giving a sad smile.

Chaeyoung entered the kitchen looking extremely tired, her hair was in a mess and her face was bare but she's was even more gorgeous to Mina. Her eyes were still closed so Mina assumed she was sleepwalking.

"Is she okay?" Mina whispered to Sana "She does this on the regular, I just need to bring her up again then I'll be off to bed"

"Sana?..." Chaeyoung said slurping on her words while rubbing her eyes yet they were still closed. "That's creepy" Sana laughed "I know," she said and she jumped from the counter "I'll take her I'm going upstairs anyways her room is in front of mine" Mina said

"Good night Mina it was nice meeting you"

"You too goodnight"


Hi hi
I'm back after years

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