13. [final]

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Mina rested her hands on the balcony railing and looked out to the sky. The night was cold and dark but lit by the moon.

Chaeyoung entered Mina's room cautiously. "Mina" Chaeyoung called out. Mina looked back to inside of her room, Chaeyoung was standing with her short black hair in a low ponytail and a cute apron covered in Strawberries.

Chaeyoung walked out into the balcony to speak with Mina "Come downstairs I made you cookies" Chaeyoung said "You? Made them for Me? You like me that much to be in a kitchen actually doing work"

"What N-no don't misunderstand we did as in Sana, Momo and Tzuyu, I mean it was Momo's idea and you know how she is with anything that is edible" Chaeyoung rambled "mhm" Mina narrowed her eyes into Chaeyoung's soul.

"You know Sana I couldn't refuse last time she basically held me at gunpoint to bake for her like I'm a servant-"

"I'll save you the trouble cause you're really struggling here, Sana sent me a text" Mina unlocked her phone "At 8:56pm and it quotes don't come downstairs, Chaeyoung wanted to do something nice for you don't spoil it or I will beat you win a rolling pin and proceed to bake you in a fire pit" Mina continued.

"Sana made that up" Chaeyoung avoided eye contact at all cost with Mina. Mina smirked because she could see through that lie.

Mina put both hands on the railings to trap Chaeyoung who's back was against the railing. Chaeyoung slightly looked up into Mina's eyes then nervously looked elsewhere. "Why is it so hard to admit?"

"Admit what?" Chaeyoung looked into her eyes again, Mina's heart melted looking at the girl's large eyes staring Back at her cutely.

"That you like me" Mina wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung to pull her closer, Chaeyoung was feeling uneasy so she bent her elbows and put her hands between both their chests.

"So what if I did?" Chaeyoung whispers shyly.

"Then I think you should tell me" Mina said leaning closer to Chaeyoung and put both her hands to cup the back of Chaeyoung's neck while stroking her cheeks "What would you do if I did?"

Chaeyoung said and wrapped her arms around Mina's neck "What would you want me to do?"

"I don't know...kiss me, run away together and ride off into the sunset, but I know it can't be like that, our parents would oppose" Chaeyoung said sadly.

"Well then Princess we'll just have to make our own path I'll be your knight in shining armor even though I'm the first to also be a princess but I live go rewrite history for you and for us"

Chaeyoung's smile came back wide as ever "I like you Son Chaeyoung I always have always will always will never feel any different unless my feelings get stronger"

"I like you too Myoui" Chaeyoung blushed "Will you do me the favour of loaning me your lips princess?" Mina said playfully.

"Only because you asked nicely" Chaeyoung replied.

Mina and Chaeyoung's lips fell onto each other. Both soft pink lips mated in deep passion as if they had just newly met after a long while. As the kiss deepened their tongues became more intertwined with each other.

Every corner of their mouths were now discovered in a short span of time. Chaeyoung's lips were sweet and irresistible to Mina.They hungrily titled their heads and enjoyed kissing. Chaeyoung and Mina both slowed down at the same pace and stopped.

As soon as Mina pulled away reality hit. The thing she had forgotten to say is one that could change a lot. The only thing standing in the way from her moving forward with Chaeyoung.

"I have to tell you something" Mina watched as Chaeyoung's eyes deeply search into her own "What is it?"

"You have to promise not to be mad or discouraged" Mina said, Chaeyoung scrunched her nose cutely and smiled "I would never"

Mina stared at her blankly, Chaeyoung's smile fell and her eyebrows signalled the worry in her face. "What is it?"

"I-I have to go back to Japan, my parents called they told me to come back immediately and Tzuyu will have to go back home too, I would never leave you unless it was important like now"

"So you're leaving..."


"I'm sorry, I-I can't-" Chaeyoung bursted out sobbing into Mina's arms. "What a-about us?"

"What about us? This changes nothing I'll still talk to you every day and I'll try to see you whenever" Mina assured her "Will you come back soon? I mean within the first mintue you have time"

"A mintue is too long the absolute second I get the chance I'll find you to hold you in my arms"

"You promise?" Mina kissed Chaeyoung's forehead sweetly and smiled down at her "Would you ever consider in a million years you be my girlfriend?"

"I'm not too sure my feelings aren't that strong" Chaeyoung teased. Mina fake gasped. She instantly picked Chaeyoung up with the younger's legs around her waist and spun her around "Ok I'm dizzy I said yes"

Chaeyoung buried her head into Mina's warm neck "Let's go downstairs they must think we're dead already" Mina whispered. "Then put me down"

"Let's go"Mina put Chaeyoung down and intertwined their fingers. "I mean let's go girlfriend"




Haha Jk this isn't
The last chapter

You could stop here
Before my writing gets
Worst 🤚😄 and do us all
A favour lol

Anyways thanks for all the
Comments and the voting

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