Loving you-Barley x Fem!Reader

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AUTHORS NOTE:I'm so sry I legit-
I'm trying to hold back from writing a Barley x Male!Reader again so let me know if you want one

PLOT:Theres not much but you come home late and Barley bought you something he's really excited to give to you as a congrats on your recent promotion.oh yeah you two are newly engaged and living together in this.

You opened the front door to the apartment,coming into the house and setting your bag onto the table.


Barley poked his head out of the bedroom door excitedly,"Yeah baby?"

"Well,clearly,I'm home.",You called up the steps.You opened the fridge and took a soda out.You took a sip out of it before you were raised into the air by two big arms that lied on your waist.

"Yes Barley?",You said,sighing as you felt a kiss planted onto your cheek."I have something to give you.",He said excitedly,kissing your cheek once again.

"Okay,okay.Where?",You said,looking at him as he smiled at you innocently.

"Upstairs.",He said,smiling.You tried to get out of his grip."But first,you need to prove yourself as a mighty warrior."

You sighed,grabbing ahold of his forearms and yanking his weight forward,causing him to fall onto his back on the ground.

"Wow.Okay.You must be really excited.",He got up,"Follow me.Cmon!",He said excitedly,grabbing your hands and bringing you upstairs.

He put his hands together excitedly as he showed you into the bedroom.A box was on the bed in baby blue wrapping paper."Thank you Baby.",You pecked his lips quickly and unwrapped the present.

It was a letter."Read It!Read It!",Barley clapped his hands together,smiling widely in pure joy.You sighed,reading it.

It was a poem stating how much he loved you-In a medieval fashion.It was extremely sweet.And at the bottom of the gift box was a Cassette tape that was titled as:

Rock n love mix

"God Barley,your cheesy.But this is really sweet.Why?",You asked,looking up at him with a soft smile.

"I'm really proud of you..for your promotion.",He suddenly got bashful in a way you had never really seen from him before."But I was thinking about giving you the tape..I just didn't know when.."

"And the letter?"

"I wrote the first version of it in highschool.But I'm better at writing now so I decided to rewrite it."

You giggled softly and went up to him,kissing his cheek softly."I love you."

"I love you too.",He hugged you."Now,Let's take a drive.I want to hear this tape.",You smiled and grabbed the Cassette tape and car keys to Guinevere II.

He followed you out,"Okay,okay.Wanna stop at Swamp Gas for cheese puffs?",He asked you with a smile,opening the front door for you.You stepped out with a soft smile.

"I thought you'd never ask."

AUTHORS NOTE:Sorry this is short,if you want a part where you're in the guinevere I can do that.Im just bored and trying to avoid writing a Barley x Male!Reader

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