Try Again-Barley x Fem!Reader

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DT spiderneds because they wanted an angst that turns into fluff.This isn't my best writing but I hope you still like it <3

PLOT:You had a miscarriage of Barley's baby.

Barley sat down nervously,his hands rubbed together.The doctor looked up at you,holding a notepad.He frowned as he glamced back down at it.

"Well...Mr and Mrs.Lightfoot,we took a minute and came to a realization.",The doctor sighed.

"Yes?",Barley asked nervously,his voice cracking.You looked at the doctor nervously,your hands folded together.

"Well...This is heavy news, lost the baby."

You watched as Barley's face dropped,tears filled his eyes."What?",He asked,his voice cracked.You bit your lip and tears fell down your cheeks.

"Mrs.Lightfoot,you had a miscarriage."

Barley rubbed his hands together and shook his head in denial."No,no.That can't be.We-We planned everything.",Barley sniffled,trying to wipe the tears that rushed down his cheek."That's..impossible."

"Barley..",You grabbed his hand,but he just yanked it away."I'm fine."

"I'm truly sorry Mr.Lightfoot...My best suggestion is try one more time,and if that doesn't work,get your tubes tied."

"Get my tubes tied?So I can't try again?",You asked nervously.

"Well,yes,because you can only try so many times.And have one miscarriage,then you might have another.The chances only get higher.",The doctor explained,looking at you with a sympathetic look.

You bit your lip,"Thank you doctor.",You sighed sadly,looking over at Barley,who looked broken.

"Baby,we can always try again..Let's go home.",You took his hand in yours.He he was sobbing,biting his knuckles just trying to hold it back.

"I'll drive.",You helped him up and you waved goodbye to the doctor.You two got to the car and you got into the driver's seat and turned on Guinevere II.

Barley sobbed and wrapped his arms around his stomach.He really wanted this little girl.He really did.

"I'm sorry."

"Bar,there's nothing to be sorry for.This naturally happens.We can always try again."

Barley bit his lip and looked at you,"I know..."

You sighed and kissed his cheek softly."Let's try again tomorrow."

"Sure.",He said,tears stained his cheeks and he rubbed his hands together nervously.

Soon,you got back to your apartment building and you kissed his forehead.

"___,I love you.",He hugged you.You hugged back and stuffed your face in the crook of his neck."I love you too.",You kissed his neck.

He smiled softly."Thank you.",He mumbled."Thank you for atleast trying with me."

"Barley,I really want this baby with you.",You said to him,reassuring him and kissing him softly."I really want to have a kid with you Hun."

"I want to as well.",He smiled at you,even if he was abit hurt,he felt better knowing there was another chance.

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