Bitches love me-Barley x Fem!Reader

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AUTHORS NOTE:Inspired by Life Is Strange:Before The Storm

You got out of your truck,A pack of cigarettes in your hand.You walked up to the bodyguards at the barnhouse.

"I'm on the list."

The bodyguard looked down at his notepad."Name?"


"Sorry kid,you're not on the list.Get going.",The bodyguard sighed and closed his notebook."C'mon buddy,I registered a spot.",You complained to him,looking up at him.

"Then your register must not have gone through.",The bodyguard shrugged."Or our list was full."

You had two plausible choices,scare him into letting you in,or sneak in.

You would try sneaking in first,you went back to your truck and took out a cigarette.You took out the Bob Marley lighter from your other pocket and lit the cigarette.It hung from your lips for awhile,smoke coming from the tip.

You saw the bodyguards talk amongst each other before going into an RV next to the barnhouse.You stomped out the cigarette and went up to the barnhouse,opening the door and subtly moving in before closing it.

The place was crowded,multicolored lights blinked everywhere and you smelt a strong scent of alcohol and weed.

You pushed through the crowd to a pair of steps,seeing that they led up to a better view of the show.You moved up the steps quickly.You saw a booth of booze,where a older drunken man sat with an obese woman,who's eyes were bloodshot red from what you could only think was weed.

You went up to them,"Hey,I got a 20.Whatcha got?"

The man looked up at you,"A 20?I got light beer.Miller Lite,Budweiser,and Bud Lite.",He said,his voice slowed and croaked as he searched in a cooler under the stand.You were abit disappointed at the fact that they only had light beer for 20,but you had to deal with what you had."Can I get 2 bottles of Budweiser?",You asked,hands stuffed into your pockets.

"Alright kid,Here you go.That'll be 13.",He said,making up a random price.The woman held out her hand and took the 20,giving you back a 5 dollar bill and 2 one dollar bills from the register.

You took the two bottles and stuffed one of them into your jean pocket,opening up the other one and chugging most of it.You walked over an area with a better view of the stage.

You felt someone bump into you."Hey ___,Is that you?"

You remembered the voice,you could practically sense the harsh whiskey in his raspy tone."Keith?Oh hey dude.",You turned around quickly to face him.

Keith was your weed dealer,who you owed 134$ to."So kid,where's my money?",Keith asked you,looking down at you."I didn't expect you to be I don't have It on me."

One of Keith's friends came up to him,a slightly shorter man,"Yo Keith,Tracy's waiting for ya in the bathroom.What the fuck are you standing around doing?"

"Dealing with this kid who owes me money.Tell Tracy I'll be there in a minute."

You suddenly felt nervous as Keith looked down at you."So kid,when am I getting my money?",He asked you in a threatening tone,his harsh whiskey scent coming off of him and tickling your nose.

"You'll get it soon.I promise.",You said quickly,hoping he would just leave you alone.Keith's friend looked at you,"Late in money?Kid that's some bullshit."

Keith turned to his friend,"I don't need a wingman."His friend quickly went away.Keith moved closer to you,causing you to back up and grip the railing."So what are you promising here kid?That I'll get my money?That you won't buy from me again?Or maybe.."

He put his hands onto your stomach,slowly moving it down to your thigh."Do me a favor..and maybe you won't need to pay me back anything."He smirked at you and grabbed your thigh,causing you to whimper."Um..Keith I-"

"Get away from her Keith.",A familiar voice said,pushing Keith away from you."She's clearly uncomfortable,Jackass."

"Lightfoot?Who do you think you are?",Keith threatened him."I don't know,but I know you're a fucking creep."

Keith threw a punch to the blue elf,but he dodged.You were still trying to figure out who he was.You knew him from somewhere,but you still couldn't figure it out.

The blue elf threw his fist to Keith's chest,causing him to fall onto the ground."Oh Lightfoot,you're bold,aren't you?"

The blue elf didn't say anything.You wanted to take this as an opportunity to leave,but you stayed in place and watched them argue for abit longer before Keith just huffed and walked over to the bathrooms.The blue elf turned to you and pushed his hair back.


You realized who it was."Barley?Is that you?"


"Holy shit.How long has it been?",You asked,happy yet shocked.

"I think it's been 3 years.",Barley said."Is he your dealer?"

"Yeah.",You answered,coming closer to him.The band finished their second song and began playing something else.

You smirked,"Well,since you're here.Get over here!"You grabbed his hand and pulled him closed to you.You chugged your bottle and gave him the other one you had bought.He took it and opened it.

You two began talking.Hours passed of you two talking,dancing,and listening to the music.

You felt lips planted against yours as the song before the finale finished.Barley pulled away from you as you giggled.

The finale began,the singer began shouting into the mic as people screamed in excitement.You laughed as Barley wrapped his arm around your waist.You two raised your bottles into the air and you two yelled out in excitement.


The next morning,you woke up in your truck,a few bottles of whiskey by you.You looked down near one of the bottles where a note was placed.

Hey,it was nice seeing you again.

Call me ;)

You smiled as you saw his number on the other side of the note."Noted.",You mumbled to yourself with a smirk,stuffing the note into your pocket and turning your car on.

Then the hangover got to you.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:I honestly had alot of fun writing this.If you guys want a part two let me know ig

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