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AUTHOR'S NOTE:I got inspired by the official Blair Witch game

PLOT:You're an investigator,A kid named Ian lightfoot has recently gone missing.Can you find him?

I was told to find him.He knew the police would close the case since it made no sense.How could he practically disappear into thin air?

You gripped the steering wheel as you took a sharp turn into the ditch.You heard your dragon bark from next to you.You smiled as you opened the door for your dragon,Bullet.Bullet jumped out and found his way around the car to you.

You walked down the trail,your dragon following right behind you.You felt your pockets.

You had everything.

You felt your phone vibrate near your thigh.Reaching down to grab it,you looked at the screen and saw that it was your husband of four years,Barley.You answered your phone,bringing it up to your ear.

"Hey hun",you hummed a greeting.

"Hey ___,did you get there ok?"

"yeah,everyone went to the main entrance.I still can't believe this swampy place is a state park.It stinks here"

"I haven't been there since I was little.Why in the world would Ian be there?He never even knew about the place"

"It's what they saw on the traffic cams.They haven't found his car yet either",You replied,going over to Bullet and patting his head.

"Goddamn,i'm nervous about this.What if you never find him?"

"Bar,don't worry.If the police don't find him.I will",you reassured him.The trail soon ended into pure woods,causing you to exhale deeply and walk in,following behind Bullet,who led the way."Chief told me to search the back forest without alerting the police team,he doesn't want them to know i'm out here since i'm still a junior in the force"

"Baby,trust me,you're wonderful at your job.I couldn't try to track down a missing kid for the life of me.I'm just so scared for Ian.What if he's dead?Mom's worried sick",Barley said with a worried tone.Now that you listened,you could hear distant sobs that you could only assume were from Laurel.

"So is that you're mom sobbing?",You asked,still walking through the woods with Bullet at your side.

"Yeah,Manticore is over.Mom isn't calming down anytime soon though.I mean,I understand why.If it was my kid i'd be worried sick."

"So you're not?"

"Oh I am!I'm just trying my best to keep it together right now"

Bullet sniffed the air and suddenly got rowdy,getting into the position to run.

"Oh okay,well babe,I should get going.Bullet caught a scent I think.I'll call you back when I got a minute"

"Okay baby,good luck.Love you"

"I love you too.Don't worry,me and good ol' Bullet will find him"

"I know you will",Barley replied.You could tell he was hopeful by the tone in his voice.You then heard your phone beep,signaling he hung up.You followed close behind Bullet.Even though you had Bullet,you were still freaked out by your surroundings.The ground underneath you was muddy and marshy,which was pretty gross.

You had only been in the force for a year and a half.Your promotion from an investigator to a private detective depended on this one task.It was simple,find the kid,get the promotion and a large increase in salary.You weren't doing this all for some dumb promotion,this was your brother in law.You cared about him.

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