Remembering College Days-Wilden x Fem!Reader

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AUTHORS NOTE:I decided to try something abit different because he's adorable aidnskx

PLOT:It's yours and Wilden's wedding day

You smiled at your best friend,Laurel,who put the veil onto your head gently."You look gorgeous",You said,smiling.

"Today is your day,not mine.But thank you?",Laurel giggled softly."Speaking of gorgeous,you look amazing in a wedding gown."


The girl who planned the wedding,a redhead centaur with a white top on,came trotting in with a little blue boy in his hands.That little blue boy was Barley,Laurel and her now fiance Bronco's son.

You smiled at Barley,who looked up at you,as if he was admiring you.

The centaur named Elizabeth sighed."Well everything is set up and perfect.Alot of the guests are already here.Well,most of Wilden's family,your parents and some other random family members in your family."

You chuckled,"Thanks Liza."

"Oh sure.But here,let me fix that.",She fixed your skirt,which had a part tucked into the shoe.

She peaked out the door before setting Barley down."Oh wow!Wedding starts real soon.",She said,looking down at her watch."Two minutes!Wip it up you two!",Elizabeth trotted out and announced that the ceremony would start eventually,which caused people to clap.

Laurel picked Barley up."Alright Bar,time to go.___,you ready?"

You sighed and looked yourself in the mirror,"Ready as I will ever be."

"Alright!Well let's head out the back entrance.",The three of you walked out the back entrance.Laurel picked up the basket of flowers near the entrance and gave them to Barley."Okay Flower boy,you're on your way!",She cooed.Barley excitedly opened the door to the church and walked in,throwing flowers to the people.

Laurel smiled and took your hand in hers,"Well,I'm walking you down the aisle?"

"Of course you are."

Your parents suddenly ran up."Sorry we forgot we had to walk down the aisle!We'll see ya up there kid!",They ran in but then walked down the aisle.You sighed."Alright Hun.Let's move.",Laurel smiled,walking you in.

Laurel and you held hands as everyone cheered.Laurel smiled and waved to some people.You then saw him standing there nervously,using his foot to scratch the back of his ankle,as he would.

It was Wilden,your soon to be husband.You smiled as he smiled back at you.He was blushing deeply and he was twiddling his thumbs nervously.

You giggled as you got up there with him,taking his hands in yours as Laurel let go and stepped aside.

The priest began to speak,asking you to repeat after him his written vows.Then he asked to hear Wilden's vows.

This was the first time you had ever seen Wilden this close to crying."Well..___,I fell in love with you the minute I first ever saw you at a Quests Of Yore campaign.",He laughed softly."You changed my life...completely.You made me feel like maybe I wasn't a weirdo for wearing purple socks everyday,since you wore the same pink unicorn bracelet,for any reason,but I find it adorable.And I remember when you first asked me out in college and I felt the butterflies.I love you and It feels and me..against the world."

You smiled at his dorky vows,still holding his now sweaty hands.

"Yep,it is."

You began your vows,speaking of how you were in love with him,when you were in love,and how you found him adorable,funny,and just amazing.

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