Ruler Of Everything-Barley x Fem!Reader

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:This oneshot is abit different than the rest,this one speaks of abuse and dictatorship.If that's not what you're looking for,you don't have to read this one.This one is darker than the rest of my writing.Just know that not all my writing is like this and that this is an experimental writing project.

If this mirror were clearer I'd be standing so tall.

You were raised on a strict belief system to only believe the person that leads you.

You had no clue that the entirety of your mindset was masked to believe only what society tells you to do.

Until Barley.

Barley drove,music playing from his tape.

You didn't say anything.Tears streamed down your face.You sat still,biting your lip.

You were told the truth of how your parents had raised you on a toxic and abusive belief system that they were raised from when they were younger because Barley had confronted you.

"___.Im sorry.But it's the truth.And you have to learn to accept the truth"

"The truth that I was in denial of being abused by my own parents?That?",You said,turning to face him."It's not that I can't accept the truth.It's that it's hard to..believe the truth.I believed them for so long!I loved them!They lied to me!I can't just believe that!It's hard!"

"You don't just throw that at someone!",You yelled again."That's tough to hear!"

"Well it's the fucking truth!",Barley said,raising his voice slightly."I tried apologizing.You just don't want to listen to me.",He said,lowering his voice.

"I did!I listened to you!Happy?I want to believe you,I do!But it's hard.I know it's the truth.I know you're telling me the harsh truth,I just don't want to hear the truth!"

"Because you've never heard the fucking truth before!",Barley yelled,causing you to flinch and go silent.Barley looked over at you,realizing he had scared you."Baby..I'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare y-"

"No,no.I'm fine.Go ahead.Admit it.Im going to be in denial forever.",You said before beginning to sob.

"No,Baby,you'll understand eventually.It's hard for you.I'm sorry.",Barley said,looking over at you weakly.

You buried your face into your knees,sobbing.He just went silent and let you have time.He turned off the music and continued to drive.

You got to his house and got out the van.You hugged him,"I'm sorry baby,I'm so sorry,I was such a dickhead."

"No you weren't.I scared you and I shouldn't have.Im sorry.",Barley apologized.

"What if it was tough love?"

"Forcing you into being controlled is abuse."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll understand when you get used to not constantly being under their control.",He smiled at you.

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