chapter 6 going insane with a shadow

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* y/n dorm *

Y/n was in his bed tossing and turning while sleep. He lay in a pool of sweat in his bed he them start painc he sprong up like he was scared. He take deep sigh and sat upright on his bed thinking of the nightmare he had he got out of bed then looks at his scroll to see the time. Its 2:00 am he lay back down on bed and went to sleep but still thinking of nightmare he had.

* Next day *

Y/n was in his school uniform at the cafeteria sitting with team RWBY.

Y/n was planning with his food. Ruby notice y/n was sad. And ask what happened.

Ruby: hey y/n are you ok?.

Y/n: not really.

Ruby: what wrong.

Y/n: I keep having this nightmares.

Ruby: about what?.

Y/n: shadows

Ruby: shadows?.

Y/n: yeah shadow.

Ruby: of what?.

Y/n: shadows of the mask I ware.

Ruby: you mean your semblance.

Y/n: yeah I kept dreaming about the a shadow wearing the Ghostface mask.

Ruby: when did it started.

Y/n: after my mission at the docks.

Ruby: maybe you just in shock.

Y/n: that could be it.

Weiss: y/n what happened at the docks.

Y/n look at team RWBY deep sigh.

Y/n: I went out there because I kept hearing about this things about the white fang. I decided I have enough of it and decided do something about it.

Y/n: I heard that white fang have been around docks and decided to check it out if it's true.

Blake: what did you find there?.

Y/n: nothing really but I did heard something about a plan.

Blake: of what?.

Y/n: I don't know they didn't be more sure about it.

Weiss: thats sounds scatch.

Ruby: they could be planning something big.

Y/n: yeah and nobody knows. We have to do something before something bads happenes

Ruby: like what.

Y/n: attacks, takeovers, something worse.

Y/n: when I was fighting the white fang I got overrun but with you guys we could stand a chance against them

Yang: I know guy can help us.

Y/n: then it decided then when do we met.

Ruby: how about the weekend.

Y/n: alright then I see guys later.

Ruby: bey y/n

Y/n bye Ruby.

Y/n walk out of the cafeteria and went to the court yard for a walk.
he sat down on a bench an started to relaxing.

Looking at the clouds he roup his eyes from being tried. Y/n notice something in the corner of a building he turn and saw person look lie a shadow. y/n stood up and walk to his dorm while keeping eye on the shadow.

Rwby RubyxMale ghostface Reader Dead Lost SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora