mini-rants and headcanons/theories (not all BNHA related) (not a chapter)

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Have you ever clicked on a fan-fic like
"Ooh! That sounds great!" Then tried to read it and its just "oh no, not with that grammar." And have to exit what might have been a great fan fic?

Milo (from MML) probably has days where he's just like "Nope, I spent the entire weekend cleaning the house because it flooded for the third time this week and the insurance refused to pay another professional to clean it out again, so no I did not study for that science test and I am not moving from this bed today."

Also! Melissa sometimes forgets that Milo isn't actually her little brother and unconsciously kisses him on his cheek/forehead sometimes after something big happens or when he gets hurt (aka, all the time) and everyone assumes they're dating until Melissa starts going out with Zack and Milo starts going out with Amanda. Eventually everyone works out that they've known each other and been best friends since the first day of the first grade and they're basically siblings.


Steven (from SU) probably has to deal with feeling like the others would prefer it if he were Rose/Pink and constantly has to hold back asking Pearl or Amethyst if they'd rather have Rose because Pearl just keeps talking about her and how perfect she was and Steven's tired of her bullshit but has to put up with it anyways because Pearl helped raise him and he can't risk traumatizing her even more despite the fact that he has more trauma on his shoulders and he wants to ask Blue and White and Yellow if they want Pink back but the thing is, he already knows that the answer is yes because of how long it took them to call him Steven but also he does not want to make Blue cry because those goddamn tears are too much.

Izuku would probably hear 'swan dive' and either freak the fuck out/have a panic attack or just glare evilly at Bakugou who attempts to hide his face out of both fear and shame bc an angry Deku is not to be trifled with

Also! Eventually Izuku's just gonna snap. Like, either at Bakugou or Mineta (or at Endeavor, which would definitely be fun to watch) , he's just gonna fucking lose his shit and yell at them and everyone is gonna be shocked as hell.

Also! Izuku would be the type to just randomly make a joke about his mental health (or a lack of it) and everyone just asks him if he's okay and he's just like "whoops didn't mean to say that out loud" then skip away like nothing happened.

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