Chapter 2

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Location- Tokyo Japan

I ride my black sleek Arch method 143 motorcycles swiftly through the bright nightlife of Tokyo's streets. After swerving in and out of traffic I finally make it to my targeted location, one of Tokyo's hottest night clubs. I quickly place my helmet on the bike and fixing my messy blonde hair.

Suddenly I noticed a group of young women around my age whispering and giggling in my direction. I flash my signature smile at them and winked, they practically fell to the floor.

"Boruto!" I hear my partner yell in the earpiece. "We are on a mission, stop flirting."

 "oh, come on Shikadai lighten up!"I say as I wave at the group while making my way into the club

"I don't think Sarada would like to hear her boyfriend is being unfaithful with his eyes. She may be on a mission right now but trust me she could still kick your ass."

I roll my eyes. "Please I would never be unfaithful to Sarada."

 "What a drag...Alright, let's get this over with."

I swiftly make my way past the bouncer and through the crowded room full of dancers to the back door. Just as I was about to get through the next door a man blocked my way.

He was largely built and several inches taller. "What's the password boy?"

"Disco," I said coldly trying to act cool. 'what a stupid password'

The man nodded allowing me though. Making my way up a few flights of stairs and found a busy room full of people gambling illegally. I look across the room to see another door blocked by security.

Shikadai starts talking "Okay just get past that guard and your target will be there. Remember, we are here to get intel not to start a war so don't get carried away!" 

I smirk "That doesn't sound fun."

"This is coming from the director Boruto."

"Eh, that old man doesn't know anything. Trust me I will get what we need in less than ten minutes. Time me!"

I make a mad dash at the large security guard and quickly knocking him out with one hit. Once through the last door, I am greeted with about ten men ready for a good fight. All the female escorts quickly running out of the room.

I see a man in a nice suit standing in front of a large window "Who the hell are you?"

"Just here to ask some questions" I smile putting my hands up.

The man scoffs "Get rid of him" all of his goons start puffing out their chests.

I laugh "yeah good luck with that"

Just then they all ran at me, I grabbed the first man in front throwing him over my shoulders which caused him to crash into my attacker from behind. Another man came throwing a punch but I was able to block it and then hit him twice as hard causing him to land on the glass coffee table. More men came but they were no match for me and the style of fighting my mother taught me. The Hyuga's are known for hand-to-hand fighting style.

I look around to see all ten of his goons knocked out unconscious and I wasn't even out of breath. I put my finger up to the earpiece "What's my time?"

"eight minutes," Shikadai said his obviously annoyed tone.

I smile "Perfect, still have two minutes left." I then turn my attention to the man of the hour and he looked pissed.

"I am going to kill you!" He ran at me but I was able to block his hit and punch him right in the gut. As he was doubled over in pain I grabbed a long rope and throw it over his back. Just as he was about to attack I kick him so hard that he crashes into the glass window and he is now dangling off the building.

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