Chapter 14

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Nyiri Desert (50 miles outside Kenya Africa)

Two black open-top Jeep Ranglers and a black motorbike are driving through the large Nyiri Desert only an hour outside the city of Kenya. It is nothing but flatlands, dirt, and large mountainous of sand in the far distance. The sun was setting in the back just as the heat was for the hot desert environment.

Boruto zips past the two vehicles trying to do a wheely and show off to everyone. Sarada then hits him in the back of his helmet while trying to hold on for dear life.

Himawari looks away from her brother and sees Kawaki stuck in the back of the other jeep next to Chocho. He was probably miserable because the active woman was obviously talking his ear off. She smiled at herself self just thinking about what Chocho would be saying.


She looked over to see the only other man in the jeep with his hand gripped hard on the steering wheel.

"How are you feeling?" Inojin asked not looking in her direction.

She looks down at her hand, still feeling defeated but knowing she had to trust the rest of the team "I am doing better..... I am sorry you had to see me freak out like that. I dont normally-"

"I think you have every right to feel the way you feel.... about everything."

"Inojin, why did you ask Kawaki to ride in the other car? What did you want to talk about?"

He took a deep breath "I wanted to talk to you.......I shouldn't have pushed you away Hima. I-I still love you"

Hima focused only on him and reached out to grab his free hand "Do you really? In this moment?"

He paused for a moment then nodded his head lightly "Yeah, I do."

"Inojin" her face faltered a bit and she let go of his hand "I dont think you do."

His face scrunched in confusion "Hima I do, I have always loved you."

"It's has been almost two years, you had nothing but time to tell me this. So why now?" she asked in a calm tone.

"I-I dont know."

She chuckled "I mean, I guess hearing that I am possibly going to die doesn't help."

"That's not funny Himawari."

"I know, but Inojin I am not the same girl I was back then. What we had was special and I will always have a spot in my heart for you, but let's be honest. Our whole relationship was built on lies between our friends, family.... even us. I am not going to lie.... it was fun being teenagers alway sneaking around having something that only the two of us shared. But we are older now, things are different and if given a real chance to be honest and open.....I don't think we would make it". She looks back over at the blond "Do you not think the same thing?"

He didn't say a thing, thinking of every word she said.

"Inojin, I think what we really need is closer, to finally end this. I know I do so we can both move on, because if fate wanted us together then it would of happened along time ago."

"But fate did bring us together Hima." He said with defeat in his voice. "Look at where we are now." 

Himawari looked behind her to see her bother and Sarada laughing and talking as he slowed down their pace to be in the back. She then looks ahead noticing Mari leaned over closer to Shikadai making him blush slightly. Chocho was sharing her chips with Shinki. Then her eyes focus on Kawaki who was looking out into the open horizon. He was focused but looked content, then he turned his head to look right at her. Those eyes of his that made her feel at easy.

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