Chapter 5

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So I am posting this chapter a little early! Thank you Bariberry  for being such a support for my books! If anyone hasn't done it yet please read her book "Fight for Me"! I recommend it! 😊



Location- Konoha's private jet

"Okay, we will be landing in Paris around 8 pm so in about 30 minutes," I say grabbing the attention of the team. Himawari and Inojin are seated across from each other horizontally from where Boruto and I are sitting. Kawaki, who is seated in the back cleaning his knives and handguns "Let's go over the details one more time so we are on the same page."

I show an image on the large screen of a man walking into a popular burlesque club in Paris. He was an older man with glasses and a Fedora trying to hide his face.

"His name is Dr.Muller" I continue. "He is a French scientist and the creator of the virus. He is known to come to this particular club every night at 10 pm sharp. Coincidently, it just so happens that two of our own agents Chocho and Sarada are currently working there undercover. We will be using their base as our safe house." I continue "Boruto and I will go to the club as soon as we land to gather some intel. The rest of you will be at the safehouse, no one is to leave under any circumstance!"

We all glare at Himawari, she sinks back into seat pouting like a child.

I flip through the file in my hand "Inojin." I call out to him. "Do you have everything you need?" I asked as he looks up from his sketch pad.

He smiled "Yup"

"Perfect," I say before I make my way to my seat.

I noticed Inojin lean over  "Don't worry Hima, we will find the cure." her facial expression softened a little. Im not dumb I know that those two have a bit of history, I just hope it doesn't get in the way of the mission.

I then hear a quiet mutter from behind, Kawaki with a more pissed off than normal.

"Geez, what is his issue? He's the one that demanded to come along" Boruto said so that only I could hear.

He can be so dense sometimes.

Just then we hear Himawari laugh lightly and Inojin was holding her hand.

Boruto threw a water bottle at the blonde's head causing them to separate. "No touching! You could burst the capsules!" he yelled knowing full and well that it was not plausible.

Boruto has always been overly protective of his little sister. I can understand, she has her mother's looks and father's personality so she is very popular. A large number of guys tried to go after the 'princess' of the agency but her father and brother were always there to scare them away.

I will say its a good thing Boruto doesn't know anything about what happened between Inojin and his sister.  Trust me if he did Inojin would already have been six feet underground.

I try and change the subject as I flip through the case file. "So you excited to see Sarada?"

He turns red "Well... I-I mean yeah" as he scratches the back of his head and looks down"I haven't seen her in a few months and we had just moved in together not long before she left." He had a gentle smile, he really was in love.

"I see" I sigh leaning back in my chair "I am a little envious of you two."

"Things not work out with you and that girl from engineering?" I ask

I shake my head "Nah, just didn't work out".

I had been seeing this girl from the engineering department for a month but she called it quits saying I cared more about my job than her.  Oh well, women are too troublesome to deal with.

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