Chapter 10

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Boruto's pov

Sarada had left to take a shower as I sat at the dining room table anxiously waiting for Inojin to come out.

I looked across to the living room area to see the french agent Mari, Shikadai, and Kawaki looking at some file. They were probably going over some different plans, I want to be there helping but that Kawaki would just say something to piss me off. I guess to be fair I am not in the right headspace, it would just end up in another fight.

I look over behind me to see Chocho trying to put her bowl back together. I felt bad for tearing the place up earlier, I was about to get up and help her with it but Shinki came out of nowhere. 

He started helping her, I could see a slight smile on his face, something you normally don't see. Shinki is the adopted son of Gara, who is the director of the Suna Intelligence agency. It is hard to get any emotions off this guy, I mean he is a good guy just hard to read at times.

I notice he grabbed her hand and they started to talk with one another in a hushed tone. I know everyone thinks I am oblivious to what's around me but I am not that dense.

"When did you two get together?" I said out loud not realizing I caught everyone's attention.

Shinki swiftly dropped her hand causing her to scrunch her face in confusion.

Shikadai gets up from his seat with an annoyed look on his face "well are you?"

"No"(Shinki)- "Yes"(Chocho)

Chocho whipped her head up to the tall man in anger "really?!"

'Oh, shit I think I started something.'

Just then the blonde came out of the integration room with the same serious face he had going in. He tosses a small folded piece of paper over at Kawaki who catches it.

"I got the coordinates, they should be the right ones." He said

Kawaki moved to the computer system typing quickly soon showing us a detailed satellite image of a large building surrounded by trees. "That's it, we got it"

I pat Inojin on the back "Thank you, I know I can always count on you. If it wasn't for you we might not have even been able to properly locate Hima. I am sure if you were their things would have been different."

He turned around looking right at me "Boruto, I have to tell you something" He paused then continued "It wasn't Kawakis fault that they got Himawari, it was all me." he said holding his ground.

I scrunched my face in confusion "what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Boruto, it was never my intention for you to find out this way," he said with defeat in his voice but never broke eye contact with me. "Himawari and I go into a fight over our past...relationship, it didn't end well between us and she stormed off. Kawaki only went after her because it would have just been worse if I went."  

I grabbed Inojin by the collar of his shirt "What do you mean relationship?!"

"I loved her, she loved me but I couldn't give her what she deserved." 

Confusion, anger, guilt, betrayal, so many emotions fall over me. I look over to see Chocho and Shikdadi looking at me with shame in their eyes. They knew, everyone knew, but me.

I put him down and walk into one of the first rooms I could find, gently shutting the door behind me.

I need to think.


Himawaris POV

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