Chapter 8

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I stood in a room covered in red velvet in low dim lights to match and a small private stage with large red curtins. I didn't want to sit or really move for that matter because this situation is too troublesome. I don't want to be associated with anything that goes on in this room. Hopefully, we can get this over with and put the whole place into the ground.

I hear the door open and gently close, I look over my shoulder to see her. She walks towards me and within seconds she pushes me down on the large couch in the middle of the room. She then  throws her legs over my lap in a straddle position.

I was a bit in shock and about to protest her actions but she put her finger over my mouth as a way of keeping me quiet. She then leaned in our lips hovering slightly over one another about to touch but she swiftly moved to my ear.

"Just follow my lead, we have to wait for Sarada to turn off the camera and the red light stops blinking"

I nodded my head understanding that we were not alone. I could see the camera in the right hand corner behind the couch we were on. I grab Annabell's small waist threw her on the couch to where I was on top now.

She looked at me confused for a moment till she realized that I placed us in the perfect angle blocking us from the camera's view.

She smiled "Aren't you a smart one"

Her smile was something else, adding to the beauty she already was. I could just stare into those green eyes all day... stop Shikadai, you are on a mission so focus.

"Is the light still blinking?" I asked softly.

She nodded "Yeah, but that's okay gives us time. I guess we didn't get to introduce one another, my real name is Mari"

"Shikadai, nice to meet you."

She laughed almost making me melt "That is a cute name, don't have names like that around where I grew up."

"Well you obviously didn't grow up in Japan, were you born in France?" I asked studying every inch of her face. She really is something a true beauty and many women don't catch my attention this easily.

She reached up stoking my face gently "I was born here but grew up in the states. I have duel citizenship so ended up moving here after high school then I was recruited to work for the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure, DGSE for short."

I was worried she was giving me to much information in such an unsafe place.

She laughed lightly "Don't worry, the owner doesn't have audio so they won't hear a thing." She then tilted her head "what about you?"

I lifted my eyebrow curious to why she was asking but figured we had time to spare "well, Both my parents worked in the field so you can kinda say I was born into it."

"Lucky, your fate was already decided for you at birth." She said now playing with the collar on my white button up shirt.

I shake my head "I was lucky to get the parent I got but I was never forced into this ."

She moved her eyes to think "I mean isn't it crazy how just one moment effects our entire existence? I mean if your parents didnt have sex at that one moment you wouldn't even be here!"

"please dont bring up my parents sex life, especially right now."

She laughed lightly "sorry, but you know what I mean? who knew if I didnt fight off those guys trying to mug me right as an DGSE recruiter was walking past then I would have probably never been a real agent." she then looks back at me "we would probably wouldn't have crossed paths?"

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