Chapter 15

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Chochos POV

I take a sip of my tea as I watch Inojin talking with some of the mechanics about their tattoos. Right across from him was Shinki and Shikadai looking over some files. I bet they are only talking about work and the mission. They need to learn to take a break for once, they take work way too seriously.

I sigh aloud "maybe a trip to the beach would be nice"

"I recommend Hawaii, they have some of the most beautiful beaches."

I turn around to see the tall man from earlier "Andre, isn't it?" I asked.

He nods his head and takes a seat next to me "yes it is, but I never got your name"

I smile back at him "Chocho"

His smile widened "Chocho, what a beautiful name... only to be expected from a beautiful woman such as yourself."

"oh stop" I jokingly laugh knowing full and well of his flirtashish methods.

"No, really" he leans in a bit closer "I mean I dont think I have ever met anyone like you... I was in awe"

I smile leaning back a bit "well, I am one of a kind. I grew up in Japan with my father being Japanese and my mother of Caribbean decent."

"Was it hard growing up in Japan then?" he asked.

I nodded my head "yeah, not always easy being a curvy, dark skinned women in japan." I think back to when I was younger and all the times I was looked down on for my physical appearance. I had to work hard and push past the negative comments by turning it into something positive.

"Must have been lonely"

I thought for a moment then looked over at my friends and former teammates "I think I got super lucky honestly. Sure I ran into some hardships, pushbacks but my friends really got me through it. I dont think I would trade any of them for the world because they are like family to me."

"I know how you feel slightly," he said "I am a black man from the states who grew up in the dangerous streets of Chicago. If I hadn't ever meet Mari's mother I would probably be in jail or dead. I mean these men here... are my men, my family, No one ever said that family has to be blood..... it is all about trust and loyalty. Plus, I get to travel the world, build timeless cars, and meet beautiful women" he then added with a wink.

I laughed "I see you are not the settling down type"

"What and you are? I am sure I can make some lifestyle modifications for yah."

I roll my eyes at his comment "You know I use to be like that. When I got older I picked up that men only wanted to be with me because I was exotic to them. None of them actually showed interest in wanting to be with me for me. So I learned how to play the game, have fun then end it before I was the one that got hurt."

Andre shook his head "You know I dont see you that way, I see you as a woman who just wants to be loved. Just like anyone else in the world, you are not someone's object but a person with feelings." He then leans forward grabbing my hand "I see you Chocho, I see the real you."

I lift my eyebrow at him "wow, you are really good at this"

"At what?" he asked in a tone trying to act innocent

I pull my hand away from his "At being smooth-talking."

"Is it working?"

I laughed lightly "no, not at all"

He shrugged his shoulders "Well it was worth a shot"

"You are cute, I will give you that," I said to help boost his ego a bit.

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